Sunday, September 9, 2007

The One

While driving tonight at work I was thinking of something German Girl said today. She said maybe she's the one. It must be a girl thing cause I've never thought of the one. Before marriage I have no idea what I was thinking. Now a days I date because I like how it challenges me to grow in areas that I can't do as a single. I know it might sound like I'm freaking out with my entries and sometimes I am, but usually I'm just trying to sort it all out. The women I pick usually have qualities that I like and want for myself. CPA girl loves life and is very focused. She has many other great qualities, but these stand out to me. So you know CPA girl is not a CPA. She is studying to be one. She was a realtor, but didn't like it. On finding numbers she fell in love with accounting and is trying to finish as soon as possible. So Tuesdays and Thursdays she is in class 1 - 10 pm. Plus classes scattered the rest of the week.

So we talked tonight and we'll see each other Friday and hopefully part of the day either Saturday or Sunday since I have to work those nights. I may give up salsa on Thursdays so I can take off Wednesdays to see her twice which will leave me 2 nights to salsa still. I don't want to give up my healthy stuff, but some give in take is necessary.

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