Sunday, December 31, 2006

Trading Places

"Is there a problem officers?" ~ Billie Ray Valentine (Trading Places)

I don't think I've seen the complete uncensored Trading Places in twenty years.  Still a classic.  It was even more classic with working in a private rich club.  They do it in the movie and in real life.  WTF is up with snapping money?  Also there is more snapping the smaller the bill is.  I nearly lost it when they give the employee five dollars for a Christmas present saying it's from both Dukes, both multimillionaires.  LMAO it's so true.

On a truly different note.  I'm allergic to diary products and have been so for a little over twenty years now.  Over the course of that time people have said. "have you tried the lactaid milk?"  To which I reply, "Since the littlest amount of milk makes me puke my guts up.  It's not really worth it to me."  Anyway my landlord made dinner with it tonight unbeknownst to me.  Some rough moments that I thought I was going to hurl, but everything stayed put.  Much to my satisfaction.  I think I'll pass on the stuff in the future.


I was driving around today, running errands, laughing (who knows at what) and listening to music.  What a difference from a few days ago.  I was proud of myself for coming through it all even though nothing has changed financially.  Did I say I was proud of myself?  Whoa, let's not get crazy there.  LOL. It was good to say and mean it.  Nice to see what I have been working on the last few weeks coming to fruition. 

I've gotten advice from friends over the years of keeping track of everything I spend to get better own my finances.  I admit I am very good at a lot of things.  Finances is not one of them.  So when my friend Rosalie had said how good Quicken was and all that it could do I got it.  The first week was spent mostly think Rosalie should be in a rubber room for saying this thing is good.  However now that I have gotten the hang of it.  It's working fine.  So now I am keeping track of every penny that goes in an out of my life.  I know that will help me a lot with my finances.

Can't believe I went into the stores today and their all set for Valentines day.  Jeez it's not even the next year yet.  Soon they'll just leave the Christmas decorations up and start the season back up on the 26th.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saturday Night

Well I went to see "The Eight Reindeer Monologues".  If I was in NYC I would say it was an off Broadway play.  In Norfolk I'm not quite sure what to call it.  It was fun and an enjoyable cast.  The sign on the back wall saying, "fuck you fat boy" kind of set the tone.  LOL.  My only complaint was they pushed it more as a comedy then a black comedy.  Besides that I enjoyed it for my $10.  I laughed and felt emotional through each monologue.  The basis is that Santa is a pedophile & sex fiend and Mrs. Claus is an alcoholic and the reindeer are the dysfunctional kids.  So you get to hear how they are all handling it after an incident.

I got to talk to my friend Christine tonight and review the year and I know many of you think I an very negative.  I have no idea where you get this from. ;)  Well here is what I thought of my year.  As a person I am in a better place physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  The office is more I like it.  My ex is still a pain, but better than she was.  I have more friends.  So overall a good year.  Still have a bunch of problems, but they will always be something.

Still loving the spell check.  I thinks fart is not a word, but fuck is.  Go figure.

End of the Year Stuff

"I'm a Mog.  Half man, half dog.  I'm my own best friend." ~ Mog (Spaceballs)

Can't say I'm here yet.  LOL.  Grateful to being enjoying my day today even though nothing has changed financially from a few days ago.  Just attitudes.  However I still catch myself especially when I am half awake trying to zing myself in to an anxious state over this crap.  Hard letting go of attitudes of a lifetime.

It was funny yesterday at work.  It was like an end of year sale.  A bunch of patients I haven't seen in a while called wanting to come in.  I wonder if it's end of year guilt.  I should have done more.  :)

I think I will go see a show tonight after dinner.  It's only $10 and it's a later show called the Reindeer Monologues.  Not for the kiddies I heard so I think it will be fun to see.  I haven't seen a show in years and this is in my price range.

Man I have this gift card to Borders and I'm having the hardest time using it.  Being an avid reader I know when my books come out and they are so far behind in getting this stuff.  I then figured what the hell I'll get a CD just to use it up.  They didn't have what I wanted and DVD's were WAY over priced.  Argh!  Have money and can't use it.  What a concept.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Well my last Christmas present rolled in today.  A bunch of nice shirts from my bro and family.  Just made it under the wire as I'm taking down all the decorations today at the office.  I also think I will tackle some of the storage room today before I head out to see my two housecall patients.  At times I wonder if all the stuff is even noticed.  I hate having my patients wait so they usually just walk right on into the treatment room.  The bulletin board of information I believe goes unnoticed.  The giant teddy bear that I got to help with little kids wasn't even mentioned as it sits in the waiting room.  Who knows?

Since school is closed a lot of the teenagers are in the gym in the mornings.  One of the boys was talking and his voice was high.  It reminded me of how my voice never cracked like my friends did.  So there was never any indicator of change and I was very self conscious of my voice being too high for a long time.  I may still worry about stuff, but the long laundry list is long gone which I am happy to say. 

Oh well I think I am have to give in and buy a fax machine for the office.  Business wise I rarely have to fax anything, but my Mom's stuff is becoming and increasing problem.  I won't leave it on to be picked up by the search machines out their fishing for fax machines.  I'm not paying for all the CRAP that comes over the line. 

Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Years & Other Stuff

I've had a lot of people ask me what I am doing for New Year's.  My answer is not much and enjoying it.  I think out of the big seven holidays of the year this is my least favorite.  To me it's just a dressed up day.  I have a hard time getting worked up for it and I really hate paying extra for stuff on it. 

Talking to a friend I haven't spoken to in a while tonight.  I knew she worked in the courthouse, but I didn't know she was the uncontested court clerk.  Small world.  So anyway she gave me some help pointing me in a direction to work on the final decree papers.  That I'll get to sometime after all my Mom's stuff.  Oye.

Wow I am way too tired to write anything else.

Playing the System

Well I talked to Mom's life insurance guy.  He had another option for us.  We could take the cash value as a loan and still have money as a death benefit when she dies.  It would be under the Medicaid limit and we could keep her where she is for another month.  So today I will need to talk G over at the residence to take her up on her offer of -$500 for the next 2 months so she can stay there for extra month.


Well it has been many a year since I've been home on New Year's Eve.  I just got the call that the party at the club was cancelled.  No biggie really.  If they couldn't come up with the money to pay for it then I can definitely not expect a tip.  I mean throughout the year if I made $25 in tips every night I worked I would be very happy.

Seem to be talking to a lot of customer service people today.  The last one sounded like she was in Times Square on New Years Eve, there was so much back ground noise.

Getting tired with all this stuff needed for my Mom.  It is family stuff, but I still don't want to do it.  I mean if it was for me I would have little interest to do it.  That it is for someone else forget it.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Well it wasn't Death knocking on my door this afternoon, but his brother Financial Problems.  Who I think is worse.  Death just comes and it's over. His brother on the other hand hangs around so that you pray for his brother to come a knocking.  Got a letter for people wanting there money.  It always strikes me hard and it is a real workout not to freeze in my tracks and just panic.  I had helped some friends a few weeks ago with letting stuff go and it came back to me.  I couldn't do anything to change the situation.  If I could I would have done so yesterday.  So all I can do is keep doing my best and work for some solutions.  None of which are coming soon which is the painful part.  I tell you I've been behind the 8 ball since I have been down here.  Glad I love the place.  Part of me wants to rage at my ex since this started with her taking the money when she left and leaving me less than nothing.  Looking back I have survived to this point.  Not great, but I haven't missed a meal or lived in the woods yet which has been options is the past 2 1/2 years. So I do count my blessings. 


"I am Death you pompous ass!" ~ Death (Meaning of Life)

Well it's the last week of the year and I can see Death is reconciling his books on famous people.  James Brown on Monday, Gerald Ford last night.  A few more days to balance the books on famous people deaths.

So I need to cash out my Mom's life insurance policy since she can only have a certain amount in death benefits.  At least the cash value will allow her to have an extra month where she is at before the nursing home.  Just need to get rid of her place in Florida.  It's an albatross around our necks as it still consumes money.

I figure in another few weeks I'll have a whole new wardrobe of shirts.  Since I have scoliosis my right arm is functionally longer.  So since I have more muscle mass on my upper body I slip a shirt on and it just slides up my right arm.  I know I should check before I iron them on Sundays, but I forget.  So I get to grumble in the morning when I'm about to leave and I throw my shirt on and it just slide up the arm.  Grrrr!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas Dinner

"Please sir, one thin mint." ~ The waiter (Meaning of Life)

Well everyone was out of the house last night except for my landlord.  So we ended up going to the same place as last year.  We even got the same booth.  It's a Chinese buffet place.  I never stuff myself except last year I had to go back for one more helping of Hot & Sour soup.  I thought I was going to puke I was so full.  So armed with that memory this year.  I caught myself before that point, but literally just before.  I came home and just plopped onto my bed.  It was still completely bare and the new stuff was just sitting there, but the though of activity was JUST too much. After a while I was able to turn my computer on and play some games until I was able to move again.

It was good to get back in the swing of things with yoga again this morning.  Although I could have used one more day off of doing nothing.  Can't say I am really doing anything today except some paperwork and errands.  Two days off back to back was something I haven't had in a LONG time.  So it was good, but my body is so relaxed it's taking a while to get back going.

Monday, December 25, 2006


Well today has been a work out of my new emotional and spiritual skills.  Slept late which is always nice.  So in preparation for the holiday I found out yesterday which Starbucks would be open today.  The drive through was busy, but inside was empty.  At least until I went it.  People must of saw me inside cause it really filled up then. 

Talked to Eric and he was excited as only a child can with having opened presents on Christmas morning.  It was difficult not to get off the phone fast.  A mix of feelings surged through me at hearing all the sounds of Christmas come over the phone.  Music, voices, and the sounds of toys operating.  Eric played many of the sounds for me over the phone.  He enjoyed the stuff I sent him.  Especially the Bioncile figure and the Yucky Ball.  What boy would like a toy named the Yucky Ball?  Anyway we ended the phone call after a while and I was left to deal with feelings.  It's like trying to catch a gopher sometimes.  You reach in one hole and it comes out another.  Slippery feelings.  So I do what I usually do.  Call my friends and talk to them about it and also wish them a Merry Christmas.  Talked to a few of them who like me aren't seeing their kids today.

Stopped by to see my Mom today and help her open presents and cards.  I hung around longer than usual because of the holiday, but it is never a good thing.  Since then she is wanting me to stay more.  She enjoyed her stuff and her cards.  She got to talk to my brother.  I got her to laugh a few times, which I am informed that I am the only one to do that.  It was difficult to leave since she was getting sad.  However I am not the caretaker of my Mom's feelings.  So in that moment of stepping back or stepping out.  I stepped out of the room and continued on my journey.  It was death to step back in and I have fallen for that choice too many times in my life.  Trying to take away someone else pain.  Never a good thing.

So I am now just relaxing at home and doing some laundry. I'll go out to dinner with my landlord later.  It was nice to open that present I bought for my birthday that I never opened.  I took the digital cameraas my birthday present and saved the DVD's till now.  So it was fun tearing some paper open today.  The other present I got for myself was a computer game based on my table top wargamming.  It's been fun.

Well that's it for me.  Merry Christmas or Happy (insert holiday here) to you.


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

Today was and enjoyable relaxing day.  I slept late and enjoyed writing over at Starbucks.  Then I met my friend Ana and her roommate to go see Happy Feet.  It was an enjoyable movie.  We then went back to there place to hang out and watch TV.  Our holiday feast was bacon sandwiches.  It was real good.  Haven't had one of them in a while. We then ended up watching Memories of a Geisha which was also good.  It was funny.  While we were watching the movie, Ana was petting her cat and telling me it took him 5 years before he would stay on her lap.  He then proceeded to hop off her lap and on to mind to fall asleep.  LOL.  I felt a little uncomfortable with Ana looking at me like, "he doesn't do that with me."

Oh I forgot my club story from last night.  By the way still no dog sightings.  I drove around this morning and didn't see him.  At least this is a better neighborhood than I found him in.  Anyway a member is leaving the club last night.  He walks up to me, looks me in the eyes, tells me to have a really great holiday, then gives me $2.  WTF!  I can't even get Starbucks with that.  You spent 26K for a membership and you give me $2 for Christmas like its the greatest thing since slice bread.  These rich people never cease to amaze me.  Anyway tonight I am enjoying some honey roasted Virginia peanuts one of the ladies in the building gave me.  She gives us something each year.  I have to ask her name one of these days.  The tenants that we don't work for our much better to us than the members.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

My Saturday Night

Here's a picture of how I spent my Saturday night at valet.  This big fella walked up to the bank building and looked in.  He then wandered around the building and came to rest out front.  It's the business section of the city.  There is no residential for a distance.  So I called animal control to come pick him up.  He's big about 80 lbs.  The lady on the phone was like is he friendly.  I was like I don't know hang on.  I walked up to him and he was extremely friendly.  So they said at some point they would come pick him up.  I figured he was abused because at one point my hand was raised to pet him and he thought I was going to strike him and he cringed down.  Poor guy.  So I got him some water and a old rug from inside the building for him to lay on.  I garbage surfed for left over prime rib for him and grabbed a old brush to brush him down.  As you can tell we became fast friends.  He was very funny in that it took him a while to feel comfortable to lie down around us.  So he kept falling asleep standing up.  It was hilarious.  Anyway animal control never came and when I called they didn't know who I was.  I called every place to drop him off, but no one would take him at that hour.  My city said they would come pick him up.  So that became the plan.  Everyone loved him and everyone wanted to take him home, but couldn't.  So at the end of the night he hoped into my back seat and I took him home with me.  I left him in the car while I called animal control to pick him up.  When I was finished I went to walk him.  He was house trained since he waited to get out to pee.  Without a collar or lease I had to keep calling him back.  However he smelled something in the woods across the street because he just took off.  I went out a few time since then to find him, but to no avail.  Hopefully in the morning I will find him.  If not I hope he is well and finds a good home.  Good luck big guy.

Thursday, December 21, 2006


"I'm king of the world." ~ Jerry Bruckheimer

Most people are always surprised that I am not proud that I graduated from Chiropractic college.  People are like it's a major accomplishment and I usually just shrug my shoulders.  It's very hard for me to feel any pride in my accomplishments.  However I can be very hard on myself when I've not done as well as I would like.  So tonight I started a new exercise to help with this.  Since I usually overlook my accomplishments.  I figured I needed to list them everyday.  So tonight I made a list of about 16 things for today.  If it works hopefully I will it to continue it till the day I die.

One more day of holiday parties I can't wait.  A party of four came in tonight.  One of the men has sprained both his ankles and needed a wheelchair to mover around.  So I helped him into the chair and pulled him up the stairs. I think the guy had lead in his underwear cause boy was he heavy.  Anyway on the way out and a reverse of all this.  His wife is like I gave your partner a few dollars and told him to share with you.  This doesn't sound good.  So I ask my partner how much did she give.  $2 was his answer.  LOL.  Some people I will never understand.

Holiday Gifts

Just wanted to share a great present that one of my patients made for me.  She's an art student and I thought it was beautiful.  So spreading the wealth here.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


"All through the day.  I, me, mine.  I, me, mine.  I, me, mine." ~ The Beatles

My older patients are always seeing if I am dating.  It's pretty funny.  They get disappointed when I am not.  I'm just happy being single.  Sixteen years of dating and marriage with my ex and I enjoy my time alone.  It's "I" instead of "we".  "Mine" instead or "ours".  Hey I can even fart in the bed and who cares.  Life's grand.

Two more days and the holiday parties will be over.  I am so tired and worn out.  Surprisingly so since it was a quieter year than the last two I have been involved with.  Looking forward to having next week off to just relax.  Imagine going home after finishing in the office.  What a concept. 

My friend Ana didn't want to be alone Christmas eve so I will head on over to her place to hang out.  Not quite sure what we are doing yet.  My landlord had decided not to go away for the holiday.  So I'll have to air guitar to music at a lower volume.


Hmmm.  According to spellcheck "fart" isn't a word.  LOL. 

Ghost of Years Past

"The popcorn you are eating has been pissed in.  Film at eleven." ~ Kentucky Fried Movie

An thus starts a very wacky and enjoyable movie.  I was hanging out last week and I looked over onto a bookshelf and spotted a book Recovery: A Guide for Children of Alcoholics.  Having been in recovery for years now I picked it up to see if was worth the paper it was printed on.  A page read later and I am tense as anything.  Needless to say I picked it up.  It's always amazing how such little things can open doors that have been closed for years.

"I felt like my head was going to explode." ~ Tony Soprano

This is one of my favorite lines from the show, because it is so true.  Five pages read and this is how I feel.  A phone call to a friend and a breath of air are needed to calm me down.  So I start another journey down memory lane with a different twist this time.  As always I enjoy this stuff no matter how painful it can feel. 

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Give & Take

"My wife and I have a give and take relationship.  I give and she takes." ~ Henny Youngman (I think)

I stopped by my friends yesterday to get adjusted.  I rarely adjust her since she still sees someone else.  It's a real great thing to have someone to go to since I am pretty hard on my body.  We'll usually talk shop and I will usually share my stuff with her.  But I when I was there yesterday helping her with a wrist injury she said, "you're a God send Mike."  It really stopped me.  {Yes I know I can over think things}  So I am evaluating myself today. I know I have an extreme problem just excepting stuff especially from women.  It's a worthiness thing and to balance it out in my mind I am usually overdoing it on my side of the street.  In the past it was a big problem in my relationships and has been something I have been working on, but when you are not in a relationship it is hard.  Looking at my friendship with Rosalie I find myself doing everything all right.  However I haven't been conscious of what I have been doing.  So that always makes me stop and look.

I keep forgetting to do my year end finacials which means I just don't want to do them.  So I will have to schedule a time this week to do them. 

Very confused with this Medicaid stuff.  The social worker said Medicaid needed to do a medical evaluation.  Medicaid says not them, but I didn't get to talk to her case worker yet just the supervisor.  Oye.

Okay so now we have tags on our journals.  Forget the tags we need more moods.  The ones we have just don't do it. This from a guy that usually stays with the basic five.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Does this Stuff Ever End?

"The Cobiashi Maru is a no win situation.  Its a test of character." ~ Admiral James T. Kirk (Star Trek II)

Well the social worker from the nursing home called me today to inform me that their is a two part Medicaid application for a nursing home.  A financial and a medical. I know we did the financial.  Now a medical.  Will this CRAP ever end?  Since time is of the essence I left word today with them.  So now just waiting to hear back from them.

I stopped by the car wash on the way home last night.  Jeez it was a treasure trove of car magnets.  I could have opened a shop with the amount there.  I was very happy to find mine sitting in the muck.

It was nice to get back to the gym this morning and I think I will go to yoga tomorrow since I am pretty well rested from the weekend.  It's been weird my female room mate has been home a lot this weekend, which is rare for her.  The funny thing is that we never in the house at the same time.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Party Talk

"God bless us everyone," ~ Tiny Tim

I tell you the one thing I do miss about working for myself and by myself is the camaraderie of coworkers.  Most people made it to the party and the snacks were good.  The bonding thing was the board of directors representative saying nice things to us and the same with our manager.  I remember when I had staff in the past.  Even when they were a huge headache.  It was moments like these that balanced it out (sort of).  Anyway they gave us all cards to play on the games.  Air hockey was the best.  I enjoyed playing games with someone else better than by myself.  Although the motorcycle game came close.  The flip side to all this is the big range of ages.  It's the under 25 group and the over 40 group and they don't really intertwine.  So once all the speeches are over the great divide happens.  Anyway I had a fun time and was glad I went.

Still no answer from my landlord about Christmas.  He hasn't made definite plans on whether he is staying or not.  I don't want to be a victim here. So I will ask my friends that I know that might be alone if they want to get together.

LOL.  I love this spell check.  I'm making sure I spelled camaraderie correct.  It gives me microamp.  LMAO!

A little too Clean

"Inos!  I want that latrine so clean I can eat out of it.  Since I probably will." ~ The Sarge (Futurama)

Well I got my car washed today, because it was filthy.  I made sure to take my smiley off the antenna, but low and behold my ribbons were missing.  Jeez that was some car wash.  I will try to stop back later to see if can find the two magnetic ribbons.  If I can't find them I guess I will have to look for replacements.  "Support our troops" will easy, but "I support rock n roll" will be a little tougher.

Anyway I'm my usual anxiousness before a social event.  The usual old tape about people not liking me, fitting in, yada, yada, yada.  Working through it and it's one of the reasons I'm going.  Don't like these things stopping me from doing stuff.

Other than that it was a good day.  I got to sleep 12 hours which was really needed.  The rest of the day was spent writing at Starbucks and picking up a few more movies at Circuit City. 

Well need to run. 

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hey it's the Holidays

"Surprise ... surprise ... surprise." ~ Gomer Pyle

Well I guess a lot of people woke up today and realized, "hey Christmas is next week."  Traffic in the area jumped today as well as people's temperaments.  God I hate this time of year.

It was weird not to talk to Eric today.  Monday through Friday he called me everyday.  Most of the time it was small stuff.  A quick question or such.  Although yesterday we talked a while about his weekly chess club.  He was still excited that he won a game.

I need to chill out a little more.  Not that I did a whole lot today, but I felt a drive to keep moving from place to place.  When I should have just stayed home and rested.  I know I am reverting back to old habits with being tired and all the extra holiday work.

Well tomorrow is our holiday party and bonus checks will be given out their.  If that wasn't happening I would probably pass on the party.  So I will make the best of it.  I actually have a question for you out there.  We had a temp chef here this week, Maggie.  A nice woman, but didn't respond well to most of my conversations so I let it go.  However she had a gold band around her middle finger of her left hand.  Does that mean anything?

Oh well I am tired and sore so I think I will relax and finish watching Pulp Fiction.  Oh yeah my Mom was back to normal again today.


Friday, December 15, 2006


“I haven’t been fucked like that since grade school.” ~ Marla (Fight Club)

<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> 

Tonight was one of the strangest and hardiest nights I have ever worked (and that’s saying a lot).  We had 3 parties tonight one at 6 and the other two at 7.  Well low and behold the 6 was actually 7.  So at 7 pm sharp 200 people show up wanting the cars valeted.  Since it is only two of us we really had to hustle.  The people were very nice about it and our system worked very well.  Well until the cops came.  Like people cops can be good or morons.  We had a moron tonight.   He complained that the line of cars was blocking the crosswalk and we need to move them.  Hmm people are still in their cars and you could do that.  Anyway we tell everyone to drive around and we’ll get them as the go around the block.  We grab some more cars.  We come back and there is another line of cars down the block.  The cop who has been standing there pulls me over and asked what me, “what part of no line don’t I understand.”  I got rid of the line and moved some cars like he wanted.  I can’t stand there and move cars at the same time.  He told me to find a way.  Thanks for the help.  So we ask one of the security guards to tell people not to block the crosswalk and we’ll be right there.  50 cars later my legs are killing me every time I go down the stairs and I lacerated my leg on a car door.  Anyway finally all the cars are parked and the police are gone.  So carrying the stuff back to the building I SLAM my thigh into the railing.  Glad it was 3 inches to the right or I would have been out for the night.


Again two parties will end at 10, one at 11.  10 o’clock everyone comes down.  As we are getting cars like always, I’m in agony with my legs.  The Baptist church people are complaining and want their cars right that minute and don’t seem to care about all the other people.  As we get their cars, they don’t even tip.  Burn in hell you cheap bastards!  Our manager comes down to give us a hand sort of.  He’s giving people’s keys out.  I grabbed some money that the church people owed us, but a few got away.  The church people start wandering all over looking for their cars.  Good riddance.  Most people did give us something.  However I am always surprised at parties where the valet is covered for them, they’re getting free food, and they still don’t tip.


It was a hectic night to say the least.  It even started earlier when I stopped to visit my Mom before work.  It was the second time she was just inconsolable.  She wanted to go home, but didn’t know what that was.  She just kept screaming it over and over.  In her mind I imagine what ever image she has in her mind is just not matching what she is seeing.  Since I couldn’t reason with her or console her.  I figured I would tire her out.  So I took her walking and by the time she sat down for dinner she was exhausted and pretty quiet.  Hopefully she will be better tomorrow.


"I WILL KILL HIM!" ~ Sting (Dune)

The one thing I truly hate about this time of year is everyone asking me what my resolutions for the new year are.  I don't make resolutions.  Never have.  As I see it, resolutions are a grandiose attempt to do things (goals) that you have avoided all year.  For me I'm always re-evaluating all parts of my life and when something needs to be changed it gets done their instead of 3-5-10 months down the line.  As usual, I get the strange looks and nods.  "That boy just ain't right in the head."

Well it's fixing day here.  I can't believe I've had my car more than a year already.  So I pulled out my air filter to change it.  When dirt falls out of it I take it it's full and needs to be changed. Next it was tightening up all the screws on the furniture that loosens with use.

I tell you I'm getting pretty sick of Waldenbooks.  I get all these coupons for discounts to use their and they never have the books I want.  I end up going across the street to Barnes & Noble which has a bigger selection and gets their books in way faster.


Thursday, December 14, 2006

Festivus for the Rest of us

"We should have a bachelor party.  With booze  ... drugs ... hookers ... fire trucks.  All the things that make life worth living." ~ Raul (Bachelor Party)

Well we learned tonight that the Harbor club is having it's holiday party this Sunday.  Funny the sign up sheet has been up for a while, but no one knew about it.  We're having it at Jillians across the street.  I'm still up in the air on going.  The people my age I can pass on talking to.  The people that would be fun to talk to all smoke and that makes me sick.  The rest of the crew falls into two categories.  People I don't like or the 20 year olds.  Rumor has it though that we are getting our bonuses there.  Hopefully the party isn't the bonus.  My partner and I are still sore from being the only ones last year NOT to get a bonus. 


Year in Review

"I had what the alcoholics call, a moment of clarity." ~ Mr. Pit (Pulp Fiction)

Well as I sit here and look at my office I am happy at the work I did this year with it.  It's easy to forget that I started this year in a one room office and here I am in three.  It's tastefully decorated and I battle from time to time on whether to put any money into making it look snazzier, but that's not me.  Also the office is about getting better not my furniture.  LOL if my patients ever sat in my waiting room.  I hate having them wait. 

I got Christmas cards from my patients this year which was really nice.  So they are hanging on the wall now.  Mostly from active patients, but one from an inactive person.  Makes me feel a step closer to the practice I want to have. 

The biggest problem I still have is PVA, which is patient visits average.  Mine is usually 10-12 before I put them on maintenance.  I know any marketing place would have a fit as well as any of my old bosses. What you are suppose to have is 24-36.  It's a big difference in income (2x-3x).  However I hate cookie cutting my patients.  If you are really bad you'll come for a while if not I would still like to get you to a point of you being able to maintain yourself.  So in these days of struggling for money I still wonder.  However I know it is always me that keeps me where I am.

My Carzy Neighbor

"Abner! Abner! I just saw some strange creature running across the Stevens yard." ~ Gladys Kravitz (Bewitched)

As many of you can remember throughout the hot summer I had many of run ins with my crazy neighbor across the hall at work.  About it being to cold with the AC and noise from when Eric was here.  Also lights off in the hall and the front door locked when I was here.  Anyway the other day it's cold outside and the AC is on for the massage therapist.  It's cold in here, but not to bad for my standards.  However K is not saying a word.  It's way colder than it was over the summer.  Now today she has her door wide open.  The massage therapist has a client and she is just vacuuming her office.  That woman just ain't right.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

It's a good tip, right?

"It's not that men don't like to be driven.  It's that we don't like to be taken for a ride." ~ James Bond (Thunderball)

We had four parties tonight at valet.  I got the person running the show of one of the parties.  She was like the valet is taking care of and I don't want you collecting tips form anyone.  I'll take care of you at the end.  (The most feared words in valet)  See I have money as she holds up a ten and a bunch of singles.  Things are not looking good.  She went through the usual questions.  Where am I parking it?  Make sure I lock it.  She has overactive bladder medication in it (more information than I need).  I felt like saying, "lady I'm going to pour gas all over your minivan and torch it.  After I've moved your seat, reset all your stations, and beat the piss out of it joy ridding."

Anyway she comes down and says 5 cars.  $2 per car that's a good tip right?  I kind of give her the tiniest of nods. She keeps repeating herself hoping I'll play along.  I finally make a little noise which I can't spell.  So she digs in her purse for more money.  $3 per car now that's a really good tip.  I reply that it's okay.  She repeats herself that it's a good tip.  Hey if it lets her sleep at night so be it.

Soaking Up Negativity Like a Sponge

Still exhausted and since I have a lull in the day I think I will treat myself to some Starbucks and writing.

I would have loved to hit the snooze this morning, but I had to get to my psychiatrist appointment.  Last time I was there, their credit card machine was down so I mailed them a check, but I lost their envelope so I had to make my own.  My doctor was laughing his ass off when he greeted me.  He was like your handwriting is as bad as mine.  So we got to tell our handwriting stories.  Anyway I reminded him to see if he had any free samples.  He gave me a month's worth this time.  Last time I got 2.  So I was grumbling a lot until I realized being tired I had resorted back to being pretty negative with stuff.  Hey one month's supply saves me a hundred so that's a good thing.  Let go of I still need to pay for the second & third month. 

Since I get asked this a lot about doctor's handwriting.  There are several reasons that are handwriting gets bad.  One in school the teacher is just rattling stuff off and is not stopping or repeating himself.  You miss it your out of luck.  You learn to write fast, REAL FAST.  It looks like shit, but you got the information.  In a busy practice I use to see anywhere from 60 to 100 patients a day. Talking your time to write your notes is only okay if you want to live in the office.  Besides that you will be most likely be given a weeks worth of bills to sign so that is about 300-500 bills to sign in a day besides your normal other stuff.  I use to have a signature that was nice now it's just a scribble.  I have talked to a few medical friends who when doing residency have been instructed by senior staff to make their signature a scribble for liability purposes, but I never heard it.

Well I finally got Mom over for a haircut today when I stepped in.  The lady was like what would she like.  Your asking me?!  I have no idea.  I asked my SIL and she said make it look nice.  LMAO.  I have no idea what that means.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The Call Part 2

Well I forgot to call Gloria back for a while which usually happens with stuff I don't want to deal with.  Anyway I called her back and she knew that my Mom was going to need to move to the nursing home side soon.  She knew Mom was doing very well in the memory unit and offered $500 off her rent.  It was a nice gesture, but $4500 or $5000 per month makes little difference when their is no more money left.  I thanked her for the offer and she said she would still see what she could do.  Not holding my breath on this one.

Like many things in my life I just don't want to deal.  Plain and simple.  I deal with these issues because I want to stay alive, but they are all painful and I like to avoid pain like the plague.  I am grateful I know how to handle things better in life, but I still wish stuff didn't bother me and I didn't have to deal.  I guess it's the price of admission in life. 

The Call

I hate it when a phone call invokes so much fear into me.  I got a call from Gloria who is in charge of where my Mom lives.  She asked if it was a good time or not.  I told her I would call he back in about 20 minutes.  I guess after getting too many of these bad calls over this last year I am gun shy with them.  Hell I hate them.  Hate the fact that a lot of this is out my control also.  But with all things a quick prayer, a clear head, and a dash of tenacity I will get through it. 


I'll admit that I am pretty good at most things, but finances is not one of them.  It just gives me a headache.  Even when I had money I didn't like doing it and now with none I like it even less.  I think a chapter in the book a day will do me fine.  I think I added all my crap (bills) and what little money I have so we will see what happens. 

OMG I'm tired.  I just want to curl in a ball and go to sleep.  Half a pizza didn't help.  Well now I just need to stay awake for my next patient.


Well I got my Quicken 2007 for the office since my friend had said that it was easy and helped her with her finances.  I have my own little system, but it could use help for me.  My book keeper never complains on the stuff I give her, but my finances could always use help.  Anyway I load this thing yesterday and it might have been in Klingon.  I'm computer literate and they keep saying this is simple, but jeez. So I bought the bible sized manual this morning in my attempt to jump start this.

God I'm beat and can't wait till Christmas is here.  I'm grateful I am in better shape than I have ever been, but my reserves are low.  This is nothing new and I'm always thankful that January is a dead month for valet.

Monday, December 11, 2006


Boy am I beat.  Santa's brunch yesterday was small and okay, but I would have rather had the day off and relaxed.  I can tell the difference in the gym this morning.  That extra little umph just isn't there.  I think I will pass on yoga completely till after Christmas.  Last week was brutal so I'll just do light weights till the season is over. 

I massages down my legs last night and they feel good today, but it is too hard for me to do my shoulders so I'll get a massage today for my upper body.  Everything is just sore from not enough time for my muscles to regenerate. 

Well it looks like my landlord may go away for the Christmas holiday leaving me the place.  Yippee!  The music will be a blasting. 

Saturday, December 9, 2006


Eric called me this morning to ask if he could open the packages I sent him.  He realized while we were talking it said "Don't open till Christmas" on it.  LOL. So he counted that it would be 16 more days before he could open it.  He said he was almost 8 and he could handle it. :)

Not much to report.  The day went fast since I got up around noon.  Some writing at Starbucks, some errands, and then my Mom's and my afternoon was gone an I was on my way to work.  My partner's nephew helped us tonight.  At first it was real slow and I didn't think we would need him and then it just got really crowded, really fast.  The good thing is that the party must of sucked so no one stood long which meant we got out early and almost everyone was in the holiday spirit and tipped well. 

Still amazed that people don't know their cars or their keys.  I had a lady jump in the wrong car.  It was her friends and they were not alike.  Man it was cold out there tonight and I hat running so much that I am sweating up a storm in the freezing cold.  On a good point I talked to one of the city ambassadors and he said they would try and turn the sprinklers off tonight.

I am not looking forward to this Santa Brunch tomorrow.  It is small and I don't even think it is worth my time, but I guess I'll be on the clock.


Friday Night Lights

Well it was the anti-Hoochie Momma party.  It was a different crowd than usual.  I'm not saying their wasn't any crazy outfits or bizarre people cause their was.  Most people walked in, their wasn't a dress code, and it was the cheapest of parties they ever had.  It was like $15-20 and people were complaining up a storm.  So the usual big rollers just weren't there.  The freezing cold worked well to scatter most people at the end.  Security was it's usual waste of human life.  And their was only one verbal fight that just would not end.

The City of Norfolk needs to turn off their sprinklers in the winter time.  I left work and it's like 24 degrees.  The nightly sprinklers had already done their work by turning one of the main streets into a sheet of ice.  One car had already crashed in front of the library.  Oh well.

The Baptism Decision

Well Eric called me later to tell me what he wanted.  To be completely honest, besides saying that he wanted to keep it this week I didn't get much.  I think he stated that he would be too upset to enjoy something if we got together for that weekend.  It was very jumbled like it is when it is scripted.  I told him I would have liked to be there, but I was okay with his decision.  He cried some and left the phone. 

The first thing that hit me when he got off the phone was an old disagreement that my ex and I had.  She had this story (real) of this kid who didn't want a dog cause he knew it would die and didn't want to go through the pain.  She was always liking it and thought it was positive because the kid knew what to do to avoid pain.  I always disagreed and thought it was negative since the pain is part of life.  To avoid it means missing out on a WHOLE lot. 

I'm a little sad that I won't be able to be at Eric's baptism.  I think I have voiced this concern before that I worry more about Eric's avoidance of problems than finding positive ways to deal with them.

Friday, December 8, 2006

The Update

Well me ex called me back with the points of:

1) Eric wanted to baptism to be a Christmas present for himself

2) That he is usually very upset after my visits and it might spoil the mood for him.

So I ran it by Robin since she was online at the time.  One of the biggest things I have learned in the last few years is to run stuff with a lot of energy past people.  It helps me clam down and a different view point is always welcome.

Anyways I called back and she was easy to deal with.  We decided that she would talk to him since I didn't want him to make a quick decision, but to think it over.  My points were:

1) I would like to be there, but if he wanted to have it for Christmas that was okay with me.

2) That if we rescheduled I would have him that weekend and I would bring him to church and than afterwards I would leave him with my ex so that they could then go out and celebrate. 

So we will see what happens.

The Call Goes Out

Well I called my ex this morning and left her a message.  It was just a request instead of the charge up the hill call.  I just said that I wanted to be there when Eric got baptized since he had been talking about it over the last few months.  I knew the church usually does them once a month and since their really is no hurry ask Father Lou to reschedule for next month so I can come.  That this month the notice was too short.  So we will see how it goes.  At the least she'll have a lot of stress over it (yes I can be petty with some stuff) and the best is I get to go.  We'll see.

I'm not looking forward to a Hoochie Momma Party in 20 degree weather with the wind whipping.  All I can say is people when you pull up be ready to get out of the car.  Have your makeup, clothes, shoes all set to go.  Know where you phone, camera, and other stuff is so we can move it along and I don't have to freeze my ass off waiting.

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Just Use to It

I guess I am still just use to taking crap especially from my ex in that I don't think of other solutions like I do with other areas of my life.  I know I have been looking forward to Eric's baptism and I figured I would go up to see it.  I miss soccer games, plays, and other events since I usually hear about it from Eric after the event.  These events I have accepted I will most likely never be a part of, but this is one I want to see since I know he has been working on if for month now.  I thank Mary for pointing out that I can just call to have my ex reschedule.  She may still give me a song and dance, but I will deal with that bridge when it comes.

My Ex Rant

I got my a letter from my ex today and I have to admit I was calm opening it which is a vast improvement.  It was a copy of my son's report card and he is doing extremely well which I am happy about.  What's stuck in my craw is that Eric has been wanting to get baptized and has been taking classes.  So my ex said he is now ready and will do it on the 10th and that her dad and her niece want to be god parents.  All of which I don't have a problem with.  My problem is that today is the 7th which doesn't allow me to get away for his baptism.  Between dating and marriage I was with my ex for 15 years and you get to know someone during that length of time.  When it was explained in court that if Eric had ANY event happening that I legally had the ability to come and if her family had a problem with it then that was too bad on them.  She was not happy with that at all.  I think the last minute notice of when the baptism is happening and the choice of god parents is suspect.  Especially since the the report card is dated the middle of last month.  For me it is always has been picking and choosing my battles and this is not one I feel like fighting over.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006


As a child growing up I use to think of myself as a coyote, in the sense that a coyote could chew off its own arm as I could drop people.  My family was not happy with this since they were the target of this habit, but hey I learned from the best.  My father had separated from me four times before I said F*CK this, I don’t need this crap anymore.  I probably learned this most from my older brother.  He had the habit of getting very excited and very into things.  However, when the excitement waned he ended dropping it.  I use to say he started with animals and then worked his way up to humans.  He never saw the humor in it, but I guess I just hit a sore spot.  After all the pets, friends, and wives he had gone through. 

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I remember one day with our first marriage counselor my ex expressed fear that I would drop her like I did family members.  I was really shocked since I really loved her and I was putting so much into the marriage.  I was also shocked since she had tried to walk out two times in the past when things had gotten bad.


I don’t remember what made me refer to myself a coyote again today.  However, then I stopped myself and though of a session with our second marriage counselor.  My ex again expressed the fear that I would leave.  This time however, our counselor pointed out the long time we had been together and I hadn’t left.  Then she pointed out how many times my ex had told me to leave and I had said no. 


As always it takes a lot for things to sink into my conscious mind.  My friend Harrol has told me so many times in the last in the last two years how persistent a person I am.  Not giving up against incredible odds.  Yet still the old image in my head was still there in my head.  So I pull my leg out of the jaws of the steel trap today with all my limbs intact.

Monday, December 4, 2006


I've gotten a lot of questions on tips for valet.  It's not the 50's so the $1 is out the window.  Bottom line tip would be $3, but a good tip is $5 and we're happy with that.  But honestly just watch what the valet does and see what you would want for getting your car.  How fast did he get it, did he have to go far, is it pouring rain, was he friendly?  All play into it.

I also already got a few messages on ankle socks.  I was surprised since we just had an article in the paper the other day about men and their leg fros.  I had to agree with the article it's just not a good sight.


Big Gifts for the Season

Well I stopped at Walmart this morning to get some sock and t-shirts for myself.  With these I shouldn't have to go to the store till after Christmas.  Anyway I get to the isle and it is cleared out.  Actually let me clarify the medium section is wiped out as is all the tube socks.  So I guess I know what everyone else is getting this holiday season.  I dug through all the other sizes, but no mediums were to be found.  Their were plenty of ankle socks.  I wonder why? Ankle socks for guys?  I don't know that's an ass beating if I ever saw one. 

Anyway for some reason I am getting Lucy magazine in the office.  This and last months issue.  Don't know why since I don't subscribe to anything.  And this magazine is pretty worthless to me a guy.  They say their are articles inside, but all I see are ads, ads, and more ads.  And not normal stuff.  Hey look gloves on sale for $112.  WTF!  Sorry ladies a guy just doesn't pay a lot for his stuff.  The designers always try, but it just falls flat.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Sunday Soreness

I was on my way to Hardees today fro lunch when I saw this up in the sky. So I took a picture wondering is this what a hole in the ozone looks like.  LOL.

I stopped at the office today to get some treatment for my legs and as long as I keep stretching they aren't too bad.  However I know I need to baby them this month since this change from zero to a hundred was just too much for them.

It was a pretty lazy day otherwise.  I stopped over at Circuit City and they had the Kentucky Fried Movie on sale.  It brings back fond memories of Fist Full of Yen, Catholic High School Girls in Trouble, Feelarama, etc.  What a classic film.

A few hours over at Starbucks writing really stiffened up the legs which wasn't a good thing.  So I walked around the thrift store and grabbed a pretzel and soda at Sam's club.  It's pretty funny.  I use the place as somewhere to eat instead of anything.  Not paying for membership so it works for me.

What a change in the weather.  Friday it was 80 degrees and today it's in the 40's.  We get all the seasons down here just that is usually is all in the same week.  So you have to stay alert or you'll miss it.

Oh yeah since I got so many question about the dolphins on my wreath I will explain.  Dolphins are the city's mascot.  There are statues of them around the city and almost anything with the words Virginia Beach will have dolphins on it.  I got the idea when I visited my friends office.  She lives in Norfolk and their mascot is the mermaid.  So her's had mermaids on it.  Virginia Beach has nothing on Norfolk and their mermaids.  Their everywhere in that city.  From giant chocolate ones to glitter ones.  Actually they have a poster of all the different types so then all you need to do is find them all.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Day Two

Jeez I must be getting old.  I know the real problem is that we have been so slow this year and then WHAM all these cars.  My body can't take the change.  I was in agony going down the stairs tonight.  I had to go backwards to make it bearable.  We were even busier than last night and they all came at once.  So my biggest problem is not screaming obscenities as I go up and down the stairs at home and wake my room mates.

Other than that I have my usual valet rants. 

- I hate key rings with so much crap hanging off of it.  I mean pictures, bottle openers, lights, strange objects, and lanards all on the same key ring.  Hell you could put in display in a art gallery for pop art. 

- I hate 50 million car keys on the ring.  Which one is yours damn it! 

- Please know what your car look like. Don't let me drive it up in front of you and stand there for five minutes before you realize, "Hey this is my car."

- Don't tip me $2 and tell me its so I can have a good night.  I can't even get a soda and chips from the machine downstairs for $2.  Give me a $10 and then we're talking.

- Don't own a 2007 Lexus convertible and then give me a $1 tip like its the greatest thing since sliced bread. 

Friday, December 1, 2006

Day One

Well tonight was the official start of our Holiday party season.  OMG my knees and shins hurt and it is only the first day.  Way too many more days to count.  Already tired of those damn stairs.  LOL.  The parties went better than I thought.  I'm going to need to change my routine for the month.  I know I will be passing on yoga on Saturday mornings.  I'll need the sleep and my legs just won't be up to it.  Also I think I will skip my leg workout at the gym and take it as a late morning since I figure I'm getting enough leg exercises with all the running. 

Not much else going on.  It was nice of Eric to call me tonight to tell me about a Dragonball Z movie on Cartoon Network tomorrow night.  I didn't have the heart to remind him I don't have cable and that I like Dragonball and not so much Z.  It was good to hear from him.

Read this and Save 24 Thousand

Well the third time is a charm.  I took a whole bunch of pictures last night at the club so you can see what it looks like instead you getting a membership.  The problem was that Rockyou kept giving me an error and losing the pics every time I was finished.  Anyway here is the club and building I work at for my second job valeting.  Sorry some of them are a little blurry.  So many lights without a flash was a pain.  I was alone last night so I didn't get my partner Terry.  The rest of the rooms were either dark or not set up so I passed on them.  The kitchen is nothing to look at so I passed on that also.




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