Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Soaking Up Negativity Like a Sponge

Still exhausted and since I have a lull in the day I think I will treat myself to some Starbucks and writing.

I would have loved to hit the snooze this morning, but I had to get to my psychiatrist appointment.  Last time I was there, their credit card machine was down so I mailed them a check, but I lost their envelope so I had to make my own.  My doctor was laughing his ass off when he greeted me.  He was like your handwriting is as bad as mine.  So we got to tell our handwriting stories.  Anyway I reminded him to see if he had any free samples.  He gave me a month's worth this time.  Last time I got 2.  So I was grumbling a lot until I realized being tired I had resorted back to being pretty negative with stuff.  Hey one month's supply saves me a hundred so that's a good thing.  Let go of I still need to pay for the second & third month. 

Since I get asked this a lot about doctor's handwriting.  There are several reasons that are handwriting gets bad.  One in school the teacher is just rattling stuff off and is not stopping or repeating himself.  You miss it your out of luck.  You learn to write fast, REAL FAST.  It looks like shit, but you got the information.  In a busy practice I use to see anywhere from 60 to 100 patients a day. Talking your time to write your notes is only okay if you want to live in the office.  Besides that you will be most likely be given a weeks worth of bills to sign so that is about 300-500 bills to sign in a day besides your normal other stuff.  I use to have a signature that was nice now it's just a scribble.  I have talked to a few medical friends who when doing residency have been instructed by senior staff to make their signature a scribble for liability purposes, but I never heard it.

Well I finally got Mom over for a haircut today when I stepped in.  The lady was like what would she like.  Your asking me?!  I have no idea.  I asked my SIL and she said make it look nice.  LMAO.  I have no idea what that means.


Anonymous said...

OMG you should see how bad my handwriting is and I am not in the medical field, lol!


Anonymous said...

Well my dad is a dentist & his isn't nasty but like fancy so some can't figure it out. Notes...they use dictaphones now or recorders where are you? Then the transcriptionist listen & type! Which I think the HEPPA law should cover when they are talking in the hallway as you leave & you hear the person's name, age, diagnosis etc. Then the walls are so thin it doesn't matter you hear everything! I have to right someone on that! Liability interesting but I'm sure they would find something with you signing that way again. Today my students get powerpoints handed to them & take less notes or have recorders or laptops. I just came up with shortcuts when I was in college. Like E. was Environment or P was for Psychology. You just didn't write it all out. When you take note taking classes they tell you not to take every word. In fact if you are not thinking profs will purposely put on their slide "And the Cow Jumped over the Moon" so when you get home & read it you realize! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Meant to ask, though you don't have to say, I hope the Psychiatrist is doing some talking therapy...maybe cognitive....I'm not a fan of meds except in extreme cases. Not able to change behavior then.

Anonymous said...

oh signature changes almost  overnight. Ok change signature is not the same all the time.
Ok..that's lame on my part...I'm going to bed.
Gem :-)