Thursday, December 7, 2006

Just Use to It

I guess I am still just use to taking crap especially from my ex in that I don't think of other solutions like I do with other areas of my life.  I know I have been looking forward to Eric's baptism and I figured I would go up to see it.  I miss soccer games, plays, and other events since I usually hear about it from Eric after the event.  These events I have accepted I will most likely never be a part of, but this is one I want to see since I know he has been working on if for month now.  I thank Mary for pointing out that I can just call to have my ex reschedule.  She may still give me a song and dance, but I will deal with that bridge when it comes.


Anonymous said...

She should be glad you want to be part of your son's life. Hopefully, she will reschedule once she knows how important it is to you. One can hope. Good luck. Take care,

Anonymous said...

Great idea:)   If you wish to be there, then her telling you 3 days in advance isn't sufficient -- please let us know how it goes.  -- Robin