Monday, December 4, 2006

Big Gifts for the Season

Well I stopped at Walmart this morning to get some sock and t-shirts for myself.  With these I shouldn't have to go to the store till after Christmas.  Anyway I get to the isle and it is cleared out.  Actually let me clarify the medium section is wiped out as is all the tube socks.  So I guess I know what everyone else is getting this holiday season.  I dug through all the other sizes, but no mediums were to be found.  Their were plenty of ankle socks.  I wonder why? Ankle socks for guys?  I don't know that's an ass beating if I ever saw one. 

Anyway for some reason I am getting Lucy magazine in the office.  This and last months issue.  Don't know why since I don't subscribe to anything.  And this magazine is pretty worthless to me a guy.  They say their are articles inside, but all I see are ads, ads, and more ads.  And not normal stuff.  Hey look gloves on sale for $112.  WTF!  Sorry ladies a guy just doesn't pay a lot for his stuff.  The designers always try, but it just falls flat.


Anonymous said...

I hate to break this to you...but tube socks are out. At least in this part of the country...all the boys/guys wear the ankle socks that can't be seen. It has been this way for a couple of years. I haven't bought tube socks here for probably 10 years.


Anonymous said...

LOL!  My boys all wear ankle socks, Mike!  Get with the program!  That's what's in style, although, I would probably agree with you, if I didn't have really "cool" sons!  Your more likely to get a beating if you are under 30 and wear tube socks! lol


Anonymous said...

hey Mike my kids (boys) wear whatever! we have a huge sock basket they may wear one tube and one ankle and if the kids says soemthing to them they look at them shrug and tell them they have another pair just like it at home!
NO I can't see paying 112 for gloves either, not when next week they would end up in the bottom of the glove bakset! ;)


Anonymous said...

Your so funny..yah, ankle socks for a guy is sending that metaphysical vibe big time....The best thing to buy a guy is clothes that he will like or some sort of certificates for golfing or skiing or whatever hobby he has...women, we are the picky ones...luckily, I am not...but its a bummer if you have to walk on egg shells with the perfect gift...I cant relate...nor would I do that..-Raven

Anonymous said...

Ankle socks have been thing here in NY for a couple of years Stan hates them I think they are sexy LOL
Hugs, Marina