Friday, June 29, 2007

Post Concert Review

Well Robin made it down here fine even though it was an extremely long ride for her.  I'm still amazed when I go to concerts down here that parking is free and they don't really check you when you go in.  In NY I was use to everything just shy of a full body cavity search.  I probably could of asked them to help me lift a case of C4 over the turnstile.  We found out who Vanessa Carlton was when she did her last song which I have no idea the name of, but I've heard it before.  How and where I haven't a clue.  Stevie did a great job singing and with her many wardrobe changes.  I wasn't quite sure if it was the high heels or a back issue that made her walking weird and her bending off.  Oh well it's just the chiropractor in me.

The funniest thing, oh wait the second funniest thing was the women dropping her skirt to pee in the parking lot near us.  The first funniest thing is that my housemate Mal is never there.  She only slept at the house once last month and so far zero this month.  Well we get back to the house last night and their's a note saying she has friends in town that will be staying over.  Of all the nights!  Anyway they stumbled in drunk at 5 am this morning.  Oye.  I knew they were drunk when they set their car alarm four times.  Hopefully they will be better tonight since I am exhausted.  I may go ape shit on some jerk wad that doesn't tip me tonight.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

How Much?

I went to lunch with the Contractor today to talk business. We ended up going to Kelly's Tavern. It was a fun time, but I didn't think of the bill till I got back to the office. It was $15 for the daily hamburger special. So I got a hamburger and a coke for $15? The waitress wasn't topless their was no happy ending? Jeez I got to ask what the special cost next time.

Today's the Day

Well today's the day. After buying tickets many moons ago and freaking L out about getting them the Stevie Nicks concert is here.  Robin is coming down from Maryland to enjoy the show with me.  The crowd last night at work found out how old I was which surprised all.  When they found out who I was going to see tonight they all got a good laugh.  Hey I'm an old man what can I say.

I tell you I don't know what my networking group did before me.  No one follows the rules of one on one meetings.  I'm the new guy and they are learning from me.  It's too funny.

I met the Sales Guy at a networking function a while ago.  We go to the same Starbuck and forget it if we are there at the same time.  He'll be chewing my ear off.  He's like my old friend John, never shuts up. If Sales Guy continues I'm going to have to tell him to STFU.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Where Are All The Single People At?

Director_talks_2.gif - (12K)

When I left Starbucks this morning after asking that women out I realized besides my friend Paul all my friends are married.  Most don't really care about my dating life which I think may be envy.  So I was like okay who can I talk to about this.  I did the next best thing and blogged here about it, but it's not the same as talking with another person.  So I'm going to have to find some single friends. 

Austin_Powers_2.gif - (8K)

The other thing I realized while Diner Girl (who wasn't at our meeting this morning) is very attractive, the woman I asked out this morning was more attractive to me since she was closer to my age.  Their was more of a connection and that was a good reminder for me.  The other thing I had forgotten is what a world a difference my Starbucks is in the morning compared to the afternoon.  My generation is there in the morning so I will have to fit that in at least once a week.

Wow what a crap month business wise.  June first it started slow and it has stayed slow.  My business is down by half and that sucks.  One thing I am waiting for is the massage therapist across the hall is trying to move to NC.  When she moves out I'll rent my extra room out for massages to make some extra money.  I talked to my friend Rosi today about how she does it on her end.  I know her extra room pretty much pays her rent.

Flattering Women Across the City

Please do not link directly to this image.

After my weekly networking meeting this morning I was still dragging so I headed on over to Starbucks to get my chai latte and get all my goals for business.  I know without them written down I will forget them.  I plopped my stuff on the table when I walked in noticing an attractive woman with a laptop at the comfy chair next to it.  At times we looked at each other and smiled.  We small talked as we did business throughout the hour.  I thought she was flirting with the lean forwards letting her blouse hang.  I did get a referral for a friend of mine and on my way out I asked if she wanted to have drinks.  However she said she had a boyfriend.  She did say I was very handsome and that I had flattered her by asking.  I tell you when I meet someone this whole list of possibilities run through my mind.  Are they dating material, a patient, or a referral?  It's just too much.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday's Musings

Wondering today if my friend Paul's father died or not.  He told me Saturday that his father had taken a turn for the worse and I know he was already on borrowed time.  I've left a few messages, but I still haven't heard anything back.

It is freakin' humid here today.  I rarely put the AC on in my car, but today was one of those days.  I finally was able to make it over to see my Mom today.  Since I hadn't seen her in a few days I did her nails for her.  It looked like someone had cut a nail or two of her's already, but they did a bad job.  Finally I think I have the nail polish mixed enough that I get better coats with it.

Hoping to get back on schedule this week especially with the gym.  I think having a permanent schedule at night will help.  Last week's marathon week really tired me out and having my eating schedule messed with caused me to lose some weight  which I'm not happy with.

Still no reply from Okie Girl, but since it was a surprise to hear from her no big deal.  I like Becca's description of Young Thang for Diner Girl who I will see tomorrow.  I'll flirt and see where it goes.  That one I'll let her lead.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Vanella - Flavor of the Day

Well everyone at PJ's found out that my last name is Vanella.  They were all asking and re- asking to make sure.  I just said yes and laughed.  This seem to make it more enjoyable for them for some reason.  I've had enough name calling and jokes in my life that I'm pretty immune to the stuff.  That was yesterday.  Today they wanted to know if I used the whole vanella taste thing to pick up women.  Most of these guys are in their early 20's.  I told them "no" although I have been asked by several women over the years that question.  I was always married at the time so I don't know how I would answer that now. 

My pizza story of the night goes to this jerk who asked if I brought him napkins with his order.  I told him "no" we don't supply them.  So he kept my tip.  Bastard.  I also found yet another road, this one with a chain and a sign saying it wasn't a through way.  I should have taken a picture.  It was a freaking long drive back around to go in another way.  They need to put these bastard barriers on the map.

Okie girl has moved into the picture.  I first met her in salsa class many moons ago.  Every once in a while I run into her.  I like her and she's fun to talk to, but we have never gotten a chance to really talk for any length of time.  I found her on Myspace about a month ago.  We emailed back and forth a few times.  Nothing really became of it.  Well tonight I find and email wondering where I have been since she hasn't seen me in a while.  I told her to let me know what events she was going to and I would try and go, but if not we could meet for Starbucks to catch up.  So I'll see how she responds.

Pizza Stories 3

Well last night was a weird on.  It started with a 15 year old who had borrowed his grandfather's Mercedes convertible backed up into one of our driver's trucks.  The kid was crying.  No insurance.  He played dumb with the police not knowing and family information, but the officer tracked them down.  Surprisingly their was no damage to the Mercedes, but the trucks door was all dented in.

We had computer gremlins all night long that had us standing around doing nothing for long periods of time especially during prime time. 

A complaint I have about the area is that their was no thought on how to do a road system here.  People were just given areas and told to develop them.  Streets wiggly around like someone was dropping acid while drawing up the plans.  Streets have mysterious barriers on them to stop you so that you have to drive around entire neighborhoods to get the connection.  The worse are the street names.  I know their probably is a finite number of names, but jeez.  You can start on Holladay lane and it will become a road at some point.  Of this you will always have a Holladay court and crescent.  It is truly a pain.  Last night I found the worse of them all, Lauderdale lane.  It's a 8 block section of road.  However each block ends in a dead end.  So you have to go around the whole block to get to the next section.  Trying to find numbers at 11:30 pm really sucks although a $6 tip made it worth it.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Cartoon animation of cat laughing

Hints from a woman?  You must jest surely.  No offense, but most women's hints are really sutle.  I'm a guy I need a big neon sign spelling it all out.

guestbook animated

We'll see how it goes.  I have to admit I am better at picking up stuff when I'm calm.  When I'm not I'm blind as a bat.


Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Endless Battle

Since the dawn of man the battle between a man's brain and his penis have sparred in how to direct one's actions.  My meeting with Diner Girl has started another of these battles.  It was a fun talk over Starbucks and it felt more like a first date than a business meeting.  There were no pregnant pauses, but more of are we going to step over the line. I kept bringing us back to business.  At the end I shook her hand, but I wasn't quite sure if I saw her go to hug me goodbye. 

So Diner Girl is incredibly attractive, fun to talk to, surprisingly some self awareness, and a business women.  On the other hand I feel her youngness and the biggest thing is that we are in the same business networking group.  I don't usually mix dating with business since it can affect so much.  Then there's her scent.  Damn you could bottle that stuff.  I would be like an addict on a corner looking for his fix.  So indecision, indecision, indecision.

Business Meeting

Well I had a business meeting with one of the members from my networking group.  She's a very attractive 24 year old and I was prepared for that.  OMG I was not prepared for how good she smelled.  My friend Paul and I have talked quite a bit on the attractiveness of nice scent on a woman.  Suave does a great job of this.  So at the moment I'm still intoxicated by her scent. Trying to get my head on straight for the rest of the day.  Tried to keep the meeting on topic and not make it like a first date type situation, but at times that is how it felt.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Craig's List

While I would never think of using Craigs list to find a date many do.  It seems to have become a past time of many to find the truly hilarious ones.  So here's my attempt at keeping up with Jones. 


Reply to: [redacted]

Date: 2007-06-12, 6:23PM EDT

I'm a 29-year-old single black male. I'm 6'0", muscular, dark brown in complexion. I love to fart. I would like to correspond with a sexy, single and attractive white woman, between 23 and 37 years old, with a big butt who farts a lot. [Someone who] farts more than the average person...farts long, loud, and smelly. I want a woman who considers herself a farter in every sense of the word.... Please keep in mind that the farting part is absolutely the most essential quality I'm looking for in a mate...for a wild, sexual relationship. I live in Philadelphia, but would be more than willing to do everything necessary to meet a woman who sees herself honestly reflected in this description. A very big butt is a plus.

If you don't fit this description, please do not e-mail me. If you're not serious and do not intend to respond if I write back, please don't e-mail me, because I'm 100% serious...I'm tired of getting e-mails from folks who pretend to fit the description, yet don't respond when I try to contact them.

Weary Wednesday

This going to bed late and then getting up early is wearing thin.  I have to make sure my manager only has me work 4 days a week.  Anymore than that and it is too much.  I'm just drooping today and glad I don't have to work tonight.  Last night was brutal with the heat.  Placing piping hot pizza's in the car just added insult to injury.  I was so happy when the sun went down.

Business is still chugging along.  Still need a batch of good new patients that want more than one shot treatment.  I just finished a batch of them.  While I will not turn the money away.  Good patients are precious.  Getting more request for me to do lectures around the area so potential is still their.  I need to get better at closing the sale.  I'm really good up to that point, but I usually want people to make up their own minds.  However I think I will have to sweeten the pot to get them to come in.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Presentations & Dates

Well my presentation went well this morning and I raised the bar with the power point.  I was told that I talked slow which was good since I was trying and it is easier to do after each slide.  However since I have put myself out there my reaction is to pull back into myself.  I got a lot of leads with it and I need to follow up.  So it will be a struggle today.

Over the last few years I have brought God into most parts of my life.  What I realized Sunday night is that finding a date has been left out of that loop.  On thinking about it I found two reasons.  One that the prayer would be fulfilled and the fear that I wouldn't be ready for it.  I know this is garbage since I am never given anything which I unable to handle.  The second is that it's still one place where I rule.  It's all me and I know this is where I put a lot of stress on myself unduly.  So I decided to change that yesterday.  The funny thing was that I didn't know what to ask for.  If I don't know what I am truly looking for how do I find it?

Monday, June 18, 2007


Wow what a difference a day makes.  The humid meter went through the roof.  I also can see that all the kids are out of school this week.  Web browsing is very slow today.  Not much going on today.  My new patient from last week's health fair was a no show and I accidentally tossed her info sheet out so I can't call. 

I was going to wait a little while longer to get a hair cut, but with today's heat I decided today was the day.  Besides that I am practicing for my 10 minute presentation tomorrow.  It's the easiest information wise presentation I have done, but I'm trying to go slow so that is making it harder.  When I downshift my speed the brain stumbles. 

Well the air guitar is getting a lot of work this summer.  My landlord is heading back out again Thursday for a 2 week haul to Colorado.  I guess it will be nice to have the house to myself, but since I am working at night again it isn't the same.  Depending on who moves in when he gets back will decide if the meal plan stays in place.  I like it.  Having food made when I get home from work is great.  Don't know it will be worked since my landlord is pretty anal about his stuff.  Don't have to worry about it today since it may never come to pass.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Pick Up Lines

Well since I am looking to get back to dating I figured I would stat working on my pick up lines.  Looking across the web I found these:

Got Milk 1. Just call me milk; I’ll do your body good.
2. Your body’s name must be Visa; because it’s everywhere I want to be. visa

3. Can I buy you a drink, or do you just want the money?

fred flinstone 4. I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make your Bed Rock.
5. I lost my teddy bear… can I sleep with you? teddy bear

6. Excuse me; do you have your phone number? I’ve seem to have lost mine.

7. I’m new in town — can I have directions to your house?

8. It strange, but you look just like my mother.

9. I can’t find my puppy; can you help me find him? I think he went into this cheap motel room.

10. Hi, I’m a necrophiliac, how good are you atplaying dead?

funny cartoon 11. You might not be the best looking girl here, but beauty is only a light switch away.

12. If you were a new hamburger at McDonald’s, you would be McGorgeous!

13. Baby, you must be a broom, cause you just swept me off my feet.

14. If you’re going to regret this in the morning, we can sleep until the afternoon.

15. I think I’d look good on you.

16. You must be named Jelly, because jam doesn’t shake like that.

17. Was your dad a farmer? Because I’m loving those melons.

bikini running 18. Are your legs tired? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.

19. Are you from Tennessee? ‘Cause you’re the only ten I see!

20. Oh my god, I thought I was gay… then I met you.

21. You look like a girl who has heard every line in the book. So, how bad is one more going to hurt?

22. Damn, if being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged!

23. One way or another I’m going to make love to you tonight but I’d rather you be there.

sexy angel 24. Somebody better call God, because He’s missing an angel!

25. Are you busy tonight around 3 AM?

26. Can I borrow a quarter? I want to call your mother and thank her.

27. Do you have a map? I just keep getting lost in your eyes.

28. Hi. I suffer from amnesia. Do I come here often?

29. I’m new in town. Can you give me the directions to your apartment?

30. If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.

31. Was your Dad an alien? Because there’s nothing else like you on this planet! alien

32. Wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake together?

33. Your eyes are blue like the ocean and right now I’m lost at sea.

34. Do you know karate? Because your body is really kicking!

35. If you were a laser, you’d be set on stunning.

36. Excuse me, do you have any raisins? No? Well, can I at least have a date?

37. Do you have a Band Aid? I just scrapped my knee falling for you.

38. Can you pull this heart-shaped arrow out of my ass? Some little kid with wings just shot me. cupid

39. I just moved you to the top of my “To Do List.”

40. If you don’t want to have kids with mecan we at least practice?

41. Were you arrested earlier? It’s got to be illegal to look that good.

drop jaw 42. Excuse me, but I think I dropped something!!! MY JAW!!

43. That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap next to my bed.

45. Your Dad must be a jewel thief, cause he stole two diamonds out of the sky and put them in to your eyes!!

45. I’m fighting the urge to make you the happiest lady on earth tonight.

46. If beauty were an hour, you’d be a second.

47. Do you know that your hair and my pillow are perfectly color coordinated?

48. Are you natually brunette?

49. I hope you know CPR, because you just took my breath away.

50. Do you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package. box man



Eric called me this morning to wish me a Happy Father's day, but beside that I have no connection to the holiday.  It's just another Sunday.  Maybe when I talk to my friends tomorrow and hear their stories I will feel more of the pain.  I did inform Eric today that I wouldn't be seeing him before he went to camp, but I would see him after.  He took it well, but I hated doing it.

I tell you working late really messes your day up.  Going to be bed a 3 means getting up somewhere around noon.  Hmm Sunday, everything closes at 5.  Damn, half the day gone.  So I hightailed it down to the oceanfront for the yearly art show.  It was good and their were a few new people there that made it worth it.  I was thinking of buying a really cheap piece, but with money tight and no real place to put it I passed.  The weather down there was perfect with just enough breeze to keep you from becoming a puddle of sweat.

Realized sometime last night that I am back to being open to dating again.  I haven't released the hounds yet and began actively searching for someone, but if someone crosses my path I'll pursue.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Pizza Stories 2 or People are Strange

I'm beat tonight after working 8 hours at the pizza place.  We were swamped as I was told it was normal for a Friday night.  It was a strange night since I had to use my phone 3 times and bang on people's doors like someone from COPS.  I mean people if you order a pizza be aware that someone will come to your door and knock to give you the pizza.  I did drop off $80 dollars worth of pizza to one house and I have to say it was a lot of pizza. 

The true stupid award did go to this one young women who had her door propped open.  I couldn't find an address so I thought it was hers.  I knocked, then called inside.  Nothing even though I could hear her talking.  So I stuck my head in and called out again.  She finally came to the door and told me that it wasn't her.  Now lady your hanging out, your door is propped open and you your girlfriend are just hanging out and talking in the other room.  I tell you I could have been Jason and wiped the place with her and I wouldn't of had to even open a door.

Crap I forgot to see how many deliveries I did tonight.  I know I used 3/8ths of a tank of gas.  The weird thing of the night was that I had a lot of deliveries in L's neighborhood.  I went past her street a couple of times and past our old haunts.  I was a little weird at first then I realized I was the dumpee so I had nothing to feel bad about.

Friday Stuff

I had a new patient this morning and I knew she said she worked in downtown Norfolk.  So I wondered if she worked in the same building as the club.  We lo and behold I knew her when she walked in.  She didn't remember my face and the different scenery didn't help.  I didn't say anything thinking it was better that way.  Nice woman, her husband was an asshole.  He never moved when we asked him to.  He always parked right in our way and just sat there for the longest time. 

Anyway since the rest of the day was empty I was happy to go see the new Fantastic Four movie I've been waiting for.  I grew up with their comics and I really enjoyed the first one so I was hoping this would live up to it.  It was really good and I enjoyed it.  It's short at 89 minutes including the credits, but it moves along without a million explosions. 

I can't wait for tomorrow and Sunday to just sleep in.  I'm tired from the week and staying up late delivering pizzas.  I will say that the later you deliver the better the tips. 

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pizza Stories

Well there was no making boxes tonight.  As soon as I walked in I was handed 2 deliveries.  I ended up doing 22 deliveries for the night which I was told was very good.  I made my first mistake tonight by switching the receipts I gave someone the wrong order.  I found a cheap halogen light at Walmart today.   I didn't get a chance to really use it tonight, but I know I will in the future. 

I only have two stories for tonight.  The first was someone's dog was walking down the street and soon as it saw me stop it stopped and started barking.  It kept following me and barking.  He wasn't growling so I figured I was okay, but I kept an eye on Cujo just in case.  The pizza owner said it wasn't his dog, but just tell him to go away and he would.  I was surprised it worked.

The other story was the cell phone family.  I knock on the door, wait, say "pizza".  Scientists someplace spent many sleepless night thinking up this script.  Anyway the guy replies I didn't order a pizza.  That's something you never want to hear.  I check the address and it's right.  Hey yells back to his wife did she order one.  She denies it, but then wants to ask her daughter.  I was amazed.  She didn't get up or yell.  She just pulled out her cell phone to call upstairs.  No offense, but how lazy can you get.  Anyway her daughter did order the pizza and the deal was completed.

I tell you the pizza delivery job is like a state secret.  I made really decent money on tips tonight just driving around in my car.

Enjoying Bills

I actually enjoying paying my bills today.  Mostly because I had money to pay for it.  Since last month was a good month the money is coming in now.  So far this month has sucked so next month has the potential to really stink up the place.  Anyway it's just a nice feeling to have enough money to cover it all with a few left over.

My ex called today and it is always weird talking to her.  She always ask if it okay to call me.  I'm NP while thinking to myself your the one that made the announcement that we don't talk on the phone.  We discussed when I would tell Eric I can't see him in July, but in August.  I gave her some advice on her dad who is not doing well in rehabilitation.  I happy for myself since I'm just normal with it like I would be with any associate.  But my ex is the nervous Nelly on the other side of the phone. 

Life in Review

Ah it is so nice to be back to regular schedules.  I'm tired this morning from going to be late, but it's nice to come to work and not be rushing around like a lunatic.  Having a few dollars in my pocket isn't bad either.  I think my wallet is in shock.  Another couple of days and I'll be back to normal. 

A recap of some stuff from the last few days.

The health fair I did yesterday was in a warehouse.  LOL.  Never met a group of people that didn't want to sign stuff, no pictures, and everyone I wanted to stand in front of the wall put their hands on it like they were being arrested.  Ah factory life.  Brings back memories.  The dim lighting, the noise, that warehouse smell. 

With a few buck in my pocket I treated myself to Starbucks since it was cool here today.  Boy what a difference the place is in the morning.  It's packed compared to the late afternoon when I usually come.  One lady standing in line was giving me the signals that she liked me, but I was so tired I didn't care.  I know I should just talk to keep my hand in it.  I know the longer I stay out of the game the harder it is to get back in.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Time to Make the Boxes

Walking in the same foot steps of Philip J. Fry I have become a pizza delivery boy.  It wasn't rocket science on how to deliver one and their is just a few things to remember on the computer to monitor you.  All in all it was pretty fun and on down time you make boxes, boxes, and yet more boxes.  Although I have to admit we go through a lot of boxes fast.  Tips were really good.  The guys say you average about $40-60/night and they were right on the money.  So I am a happy camper.  Tired as hell, but happy.

This week has been just a fast pace roller coaster with the 3 day health fair that worked out well for getting some patients.  However all the meetings, patients, interviews, etc.  Have run me ragged in the last few days.  I haven't been able to see my Mom all week yet so I will go tomorrow.  I feel better about this since I know I need to take care of myself to survive. 

There's tons of more stuff, but it's really late and I need to get up soon to start the day again.  I'll try to post more tomorrow.

Monday, June 11, 2007


If you like Elmo and and the ingenious profanity of Deadwood  you will enjoy this.

Mondays and Other Minutia

Today was day one of my 3 day health fair at USA Discounters.  I never know how these things are going to turn out.  Are they open to the public?  Does the staff just want free junk?  Actually it went pretty well just the placement sucked.  We were set up where the dinettes were.  If any of you have ever walked in a furniture store you know there isn't that much room between the stuff.  Well there wasn't much room today.  I saw many of the employees and they were at least interested in what everyone was doing.  I think tomorrow we are on the second floor of another one so hopefully more room and MUSIC please.  It was just so quiet.  After the four hours I was ready for a nap.  We need some stimulation.

Talking to my friend last night about part time jobs and she suggested pizza delivery.  I had tried 2 years ago, but never got a call back.  I knew her husband did it and has the tourist route.  She said he makes about 40K a year. WTF?  I went to college for what?  So I have a interview tomorrow with a busy place around the corner. 

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Blog Strolling and Other Stuff

Being a little bored last night I strolled from one blog to the other across the Internet sea.  I found sites that were weird and bizarre.  I found a site dedicated to women's shoes.  It was listening to Carrie from Sex and the City.  Another was wisdom from a 5 year old with the parents asking the child questions from the audience and then making an entry of it.  Their was a whole subculture of blogs dedicated to people who truly HATE online dating.  I mean their wasn't just a few there was bunches of them.  Their were a few married women who were cheating on their husbands and no one they knew, knew about it except all the people reading the blog because that was what it was all about.  I found one even of people's butts and how they look in their clothes.  The sea was vast and I only skimmed through most of it.  For some reason B&Der's seem to blog a lot since they seemed to have the largest of the sub cultures out there. 

Still part time job hunting.  I thought I had a real fine today with the Navy hospital wanting a chiropractor, but it was a full time gig.  Part of me just wanted to give up and take the full time job, but I have worked so hare especially these last few months and I don't really want to give up.  I just want enough money to pay the bills at the moment so I can grow.  Anyway I emailed them to see if they were interested in a part time position.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Nothing Has Changed I See

I see nothing has changed with my ex.  When she needs something she will come a crying, but if I need anything for get about it.  She called needing my emotional support with the death of her friends dad the other day.  I asked for their address since I knew the family for many years also and he was a good man and I wanted to send my condolences.  See said she would call me with them.  Nothing.  Shame on me for thinking differently.

Oral Sex & Sluts

Deb's comment last entry made me think on the term sluts.  So that you women know guys very rarely use the term "slut" and if they do it's in a joke.  The term "slut" was created by parents to prevent their little precious girls from every having sex.  Kind of like telling boys you'll go blind if you masturbate.  Since the male population is walking with with a cane and a seeing eye dog it's all just a lot of crap.  However I do notice that women desperately grab this word as the evil of the world.  From the guys point of view your worrying about a lot of shit.  I know I don't really care about how many men you've been with as long is it isn't when I'm with you.  Guys in general like women that are connected to their sexual side.  Helps break the myth in our brains about women being the sexless side of the relationship.  I've already had one women reader say she remembers her first oral sex experience in receiveing better than her wedding.  Good for her weddings are over rated.  So let me ask which are you - oral sex or wedding?

Friday, June 8, 2007

Being a Guy

I went to see some comedians last night with friends since we had free tickets.  One of the comedians joking about and observation noted for women the day they will always remember would be their wedding day.  However for guys it would be the day they got their first blow job.  We all sat around thinking about it afterwards and we agreed the guy was right.  Large gaps are in my memory about my wedding day and I don't drink to blame that.  However I can remember every iota of detail the first time I got a blow job.  Guess it's true guys are different.

Down here the big talk is guys and their shorts.  I don't know what if this is a national phenomena or since we don't have any professional sports team here this is the best news we could come up with.  Anyway their is suppose to be a move by older guys which I actually fit into.  Jeez I'm in the older guy category now.  The new style or style revisited is to wear shorter shorts.  I'm not talking Daisy Dukes for guys, but mid thigh shorts.  I've never worn shorts below my knees cause if their that long I might as well wear pants.  The biggest complaint I've heard from women is that guys stuff is hanging out when their sitting down.  I don't know why this is happening.  Is there some unwritten rule that you have to go commando when wearing shorts.  I don't remember learning that at camp.  Wait I never went to camp so maybe that's the problem.

June Blues

June has become not a fun month for me.  Without my son with me Father's day becomes a "what's the point day".   So I get the blues throughout the month.  Also since I will have to put our visit off till August isn't helping the situation in my mind. 

Anyway since this seems to be a guy's month.  I'm listing my favorite guy journals since we are in the minority. 

Andy the Bastard - just plain funny (link on side board; sorry mate)

Gaijin Smash - an American living in Japan with a guys point of view.

Retropolitan - skewed guy's point of view.  I love the graphics.

Long Relief - married guy's point of view


Thursday, June 7, 2007

In the Valley

"The Valley" is something my friend Paul and I call the area we get in after the mountain peaks of stress that we get over.  It is when in these valleys that it is the easiest to do something stupid.  Enter Chamber lady at my networking event today.  Every time I have met Chamber lady she has had a low cut blouse.  I am not a breast man in the least, but I could look at her cleavage all day long.  I tried to figure out why while I was staring, but she closed her sweater and I didn't know if I had been busted or not.  Never a good feeling.  It's like stealing cookies.  It's great to you get caught.  She took off the sweater a few minutes later so I didn't know.  I have to admit as a guy goes I'm pretty good with this, but when I am in the valley sex is foremost in my mind.  I also it's never a good time to start anything up.  It's why I passed on Loan lady who had been staring at me from across the room.  She was very attractive, but the valley really hinders my gut in telling me if this a good thing or not. 

Disaster Avoided for Now

As I drove out of my neighborhood this morning I checked my messages since my place is off the grid.  Anyway their were several messages from my ex.  She was crying and upset and I thought she said her dad had died.  Actually it was her friend's dad who died.  Very nice man.  Anyway thinking it was my ex's dad really stressed me.  This is the bomb that is on the horizon and I really want to be financially prepared for it.  Since I know this will devastate my ex, she will truly be on her own for the first time in her life, and I worry that my ex SIL (still active drug user) will screw her and Eric over with her selfishness. 

The other end of the spectrum is my fear of being sucked into my ex's problems, but that is my choice and with that realization I'm better with it.  So this morning's exercise was preparation for the real thing sometime in the future.  I think my FIL is on the cusp of 2 years since his wife died.  Will he break the stats?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I was in the mood for pizza today.  I really didn't feel like driving all the way out to my usual place and I had gotten an ad for a place down the block.  The pizza was only 8" instead of my usual 15", but it was closer.  So I figured I would check it out.  Now ordering pizza for me is always and experience.  So I walk in an tell them I want to order a pan pizza to go.  Now I want it with no cheese just sauce.  This is usually the moment they seem to have a nervous breakdown.  Like you told Columbus was wrong the world really is flat.  In their attempts to compose themselves they usually want to give me more toppings.  I don't want no stinkin' toppings, just sauce no cheese.  I had to admit this girl today recovered faster than most.  At least she didn't ask me like the last person did I want it cooked? 

My review:  it was okay.  Not as good as my usual place and at half the size for a few 50 cents more I'll drive the distance.


I can see it is going to be one of those days.  I had a breakfast meeting this morning, on the way there I got the message that it was canceled and a need to reschedule.  Okay turn around and go home and get some breakfast.  Now since I have some extra time I'll run an errand.  Then I get the next call.  My new patient for the day can't make it in and needs to reschedule.  This stuff shouldn't bum me out as much as it does, but it does.  :p


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Vote for Pedro

So I finally know where it's from.  I watched Napoleon Dynamite last night.  Still don't know what all the hype is about.  I'm a child of Sesame Street and this movie was very static almost annoyingly so.  I didn't think it was bad, but not great either.

So I have the extra ticket for Stevie Nicks from when I was L.  I know I won't be dating anyone by the end of the month so I needed to find someone to go with.  I asked my friend Christine if she liked Stevie and would she like to go. She emailed me back to say she loved her and that the concert date was her birthday.   So that really worked out. 

Monday, June 4, 2007


I've never had a car that I have been hit so much in.  Today was number 3 in 1 1/2 years.  WTF?  I was leaving the library today and I slowed to go over the speed bump.  Motion caught my attention on the right side as this large pick up truck starts backing up.  WHAM!  I'm hit and I think I must be screwed he had to have had a hitch on the monstrosity and it just went through my door.  To my amazement he didn't have a hitch and there was only a little ding.  I made sure the doors opened okay and I told the gut don't worry about it.  He really wanted to make sure, but he was relieved that I didn't want to call the cops.  Soon my car will be one big ding.

Cleaning My Dating Card

Talking to my friend Rosi today.  She gave me the low down on C over at her place.  At present she is dumping her boyfriend since he isn't Christian enough for her.  I'll take her name off my date card now.  No reason to even try.

June 4th

Hey it's only June 4th and I'm worrying about paying July's bills.  I just got finish paying last months bills by pulling stuff out of my ass to cover everything.  I won't be able to do that next month.  So fear is trying to get its grip on me.  I've done a fine job of getting its slimy claws of me, but it still leaves a mark.  Second job wise is pretty dismal so far.  Still no word from the two valet jobs.  I tried calling this morning for a part time teaching position for a medical biller.  I could do that.  Anyway trying to talk to anyone there about it ended up with me being transferred to 4 different people who didn't have a clue, being on hold for this side of eternity, and then being disconnected.  Hmm do I really want to work for this place?  Sad, but I do need the money so I will try again later. 

Talked to the ex last night which was weird.  She wanted to apologize for the weird call schedule last week with Eric and that her dad was in the hospital having surgery.  I was okay with it.  Just keep me in the loop.  I was also happy that she was making sure I was happy.  I've been screwed over too many times and I'm glad she knows I will be on her like a rabid dog if she tries anything ever again.

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Well I awoke with sex on the brain.  It took a long while before I realized it was Sunday morning and what that meant to my Pavlovian trained brain.  A little pain and a childish urge to last out also went through my head as the last wisp of sleep left me.

Since I am more free on the weekends now I headed over to the gym to get some cardio in.  It's been a while and I tried the elliptical for once.  Jeez is that thing uncomfortable as hell.  Give me the treadmill any time.  I had to hold on the whole time cause I figured I fall off the damn contraption.  It's been a while since I've had to run for valet so I figured I get it back.  Speaking of valet they had the auction yesterday for everything in the club.  I was thinking of going, but with a festival across the street and me no longer having a parking pass decided against it.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Did I Miss the Date?

Was yesterday don't wear a wedding ring day for women?  Did I miss it on the calendar.  Did the notice get sent to my spam box?

I wasn't trying to pick up any women yesterday, but reflexes die hard.  At out office block party, my co host's employee was flirting around with everyone.  She didn't have a ring I noticed.  Then as the party went on she ordered a burger for her husband that was on his way.  WTF?  Then later in the day I stopped in to order a sign for the office and one of the owners I know is married, I even talked to her husband that day, wasn't wearing her ring.  Again WTF? 

I mean I always hear the old story of the guy chucking his ring to hook up with someone.  However these women, I have encountered others, weren't wearing their rings with no intention as far as I could tell of picking up anyone.  If you are going to go through all the work of getting married and getting the ring.  Why aren't you going to wear it.  Maybe I'm just old fashioned.  When I was married the only time I took mine off was when I though I might damage it like if I was working on the car or something.  Besides that it was on 24/7.

Steppig into a Whole New World

I was sitting this morning meditating and praying like always and I realized over the past few weeks I have been asking for more new patients for the office.  Usually I'm more focused on personal qualities and growth, but I decided to add this in.  Couldn't hurt.  Lo and behold I have been getting more new patients.  My lesson to keep on striving for more.  Either lessons learned form early on about being unworthy or not wanting to be disappointed still dictate in the back of my mind what I reach for.  So here is an awareness to help move me up another level out of the pit of my soul.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Block Party

Well our Business block party went very well.  I made some good contacts and a possible patient or two.  It took a while to get going, but then everyone came and we even got the fire department from across the way to come. The best part is I got and Aflac doctor duck.  I'm in heaven.  Squeeze it and it screams Aflac!  I'm not quite sure what the damages are, but it should be worth it.  Many people want to pitch in next time so it should be really good.  Man am I hot.

I am Pavlov's Dog

The gibbering monkey part of my brain must still remember last night was Thursday.  I awoke in pain this morning with the loss of L.  I can only describe it as I felt hurt. Nothing more, nothing less.  After getting my food pellet every Thursday and Saturday for a few months I guess I have been conditioned.

We are having our first official block party at the executive park today.  I helped set up before and now I am awaiting a patient that I know is not coming.  However I will give her the official 10 minutes then I will call and leave her the message.  Why can't people just suck it up and call.