Wednesday, February 28, 2007

End of an Era & Date #4

Well I got to work tonight and one of the security guards asked did Terry (my partner) call me.  I'm thinking okay who died now?  Turns out the Board of Directors shut the Harbor Club down today. Just like that.  It was really weird.  So I went upstairs to drop my stuff of.  It was hard to see Nina and Tracy who I've known for 2 1/2 years all puffy and red eyed from crying.  For everyone except me and Terry the club is their primary job so I knew it must really suck for them.  No warning, nothing!  I said my goodbyes to everyone and I see I have picked up some of my brother's humor when in trying situations.  I hate goodbyes.  To the place, the staff, and the hundred or so people in the building I see so often.  Sad to have it all ripped away like that.  There is some fear about the loss of income.  It was a nice cushion and help me stay financial stable.  As it stays now I'll just keep the office open an hour later at night and see if I can get one new patient a week which should balance out the loss of the PT job. 

Since I had my date with April tonight at 8 I called and asked if she wanted to get together sooner.  She said she had already made plans with her friend until 8.  It was no problem and a part of me was happy that she wouldn't toss away her life for me.  So I had to occupy myself for 2 hours which wasn't too bad, but being in a sad mood didn't help.

We went out for Italian tonight and it was good.  Although it took me a while to get going.  If I could have seen April another night this week I probably would have rescheduled, since I couldn't I wasn't on my best game.  April seemed to like the shot glass I got her from NY.  Not the most romantic gift, but it was something I knew she collected.  Once I was able to be more myself the evening went better.  The one thing I am getting a little bored with is just going out for dinner.  I'm not a big food event person.  Food is usually secondary or more like tertiary to any event for me.  However with us going out late their is not much to do in the winter here.  Since I don't see her that often I don't want to spend the time in a movie theater.  So I am kind of at a loss.

The evening ended nicely, but it was a short time and I was left wanting more.  I'm starting to get into uncharted waters with April.  She's the first person I've gone out with that I'm not ga-ga over.  I do really like her, but that you light up my life feeling isn't there.  I've had it in my other long term relationships and they ended badly.  My therapist had also warned me about them.  So I am feeling like I am making a conscious choice what the next step will be instead of being swept along which is good.  Except I'm not quite sure where I want to put my foot and that's a first.  So some thinking needs to be done.  I doubt I will see her Saturday night and then she is away with a friend in Baltimore for a few days so I probably won't see her till next Friday.  :P

Health Fair

Well I had my senior health fair this morning. I was suppose to do a lecture, but it got dropped which was really no big deal for me.  As always I like interacting with people which feels strange for me to say.  I'm always working out there so most everyone knows me so that was fun.  A few of the older ladies said I was a nice person and that helped since they were picky with their doctors.  So it all went well.  The only other chiropractor their was the wife of another chiro down the road.  So it was nice. 

The funny/struggle of the show was a table two down from me.  It reminded me of a conversation with my psychiatrist about reps.  Where do they get these women?  Do they grow them in a vat somewhere?  I felt like George Costanza, "I'd give up red meat to see you in a bra."  LOL.  Companies know what draws a crowd. 

The last funny good thing of the day so far was I stopped by Subways for lunch and their was the usual long line at noon.  This guy and myself were jockeying to get in the door first.  We joked about it on line.  He told me about a religious experience he had yesterday and we talked back and forth.  He found out I was a chiropractor and said he needed one, so I gave him a card and we'll see.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

#4 on the Horizon

Well April's voicemail was empty tonight so I left a message.  When she called back I have to admit she was better on the phone and we talked for a record time which I would say was about 4-5 minutes.  She was pretty much in one piece from skiing except for a brace on her wrist and sore as anything.  The good thing she realized is that she has a lot to do if she wants to win her bet and do 2 pull ups by June.  Since if she looses she has to cut her down to an inch or is it 3.  Not looking forward to that if it happens.

Anyway it's a pretty busy week for her and I know she goes away to Baltimore next week.  So we agreed on tomorrow night after I get off of valet which will be early say 7:30.  I have a few places picked out and it all depends on where I am picking her up from.  Also since she is really busy this week I'll ask if she wants some help cleaning up her place since her friend Emily is moving in with her.  I never thought I would meet anyone with a busier schedule than mine.  So it would be some extra time for us to get together. 


Had to make a call to an insurance company today to find out why they weren't paying on a patient.  I'm used to the 20 minute hold time, but don't try to pull the wool over my eyes.  I must of had a newbie.  He had all the pat answers that I wasn't standing for.  As the best you can ever get is they'll review it and get back to you.  I'll call back after 7 days to see what is happening.  I know why they do this.  Most people just take it and I know chiropractors in general never fight.  Not me I fight for every single penny.  I know of they think they can get away with it they will and boy does it add up fast.

Weekend Pics

Here's the promised pictures. Finally got some time to load them all up.  Dail up what can you expect.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Manic Monkey Mondays

Well originally it was going to be a dead day in the office.  I was hoping to get caught up on a few things, set up my USB hub, and get ready for my health fair Wednesday.  I figured it would allow me to catch up after the weekend.  Well that didn't happen.  Everyone wanted to come in and I hey I was happy to have the business, but it was work not to get into a manic rush.  The calls started coming in when my desk was covered with crap and my computer kept crashing with the new USB hub.  It all worked out in the end.

My Mom was doing good today after my 3 day absence.  I didn't mention anything since when she realizes she has forgotten she gets upset.  She was lucid and helpful when I cleaned her teeth and did her nails. I figured I had the time today so get it done.  I see as I get busier it is harder to do all this especially when she goes to activities.  What I do need to get her is some straps for her glasses since at least twice a week I am searching around the place for them.

Trying not to panic.  April's voicemail is full and I have no way of getting in contact with her.  I beeped her with my number so we will see what happens.  Mike's not a happy camper with this.  Although I am happy with the little gift bag I got at the dollar store today for her shot glass.

I did clean up my Journal list again since a bunch were either no longer active or went private.  I did add one that I thought was good.  "Charming but Single" about a 27 year old southern gal and dating.  Very well written.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Here, There, & Everywhere

I'm starting to shy away from phone calls with April.  The warmth that she gives off in person is just not there on the phone.  We talked Friday while I was up in NY.  She does get back to me when I ask her to, but it usually is in a day or so.  She finally was able to get time off and was heading off skiing for the weekend. 

However I know myself.  I'm just running for the safety of a trench in warfare.  This area of uncomfortability bothers me.  I'm not a big fan of it in any circumstance, but in relationships it bothers me more.  I know it's a childish reflex, but I get off the phone I feel like running in circles making weird noises. 

I did have to slap myself and say that we have only been going out a week.  Reality check.  Where do I expect it to be or feel like?  So with those words said I calmed down.  Still not liking it, but in a better place.  So I'll give her a call tomorrow and she when we can get together this week. 

I picked up shot glass from the Air & Space museum since she collects them.  They didn't have any shot glasses at the Children's museum which was weird. ;)

I'm Back

I tell you next time I think I need to bring my laptop with me.  I still make calls to friends, but writing is so therapeutic to me that I missed it.

I have to admit I had a lot less anxiety this trip up.  I know it is from many things.  One being I have been working on that area over the last few months and it has paid off.  The second one is that last month I put a huge dent in the what I owed in child support.  Plus I was able to repay both of my friends that lent me money when I was really hurting and wondering where my next meal was coming from.  So not feeling so much in the hole has helped.

Anyway I didn't bring my boxing gloves which worked out good since my FIL just scowled and passed Eric to me before returning to the house.  Happy for small favors.  Boy is he getting big and that was the first thing my friend Paul said when he saw him.  Also he is so my son.  From his fingers to certain mannerisms.  It was pretty funny.  Both Eric and I were glad I have been working out so I could still lift him into the air.  Something that made him extremely happy.

My patients always ask when do I go on vacation and I tell them it's my visits with my son. So this trip I tried more to treat it like a vacation to get more relaxation out it which led to more enjoyment.  It was interesting how the new view helped.

I tell you though every time I go back to NY I am so glad I don't live there anymore.  I feel like a rat in a maze when I'm there.  I'm just not use to the congestion anymore.  I was honked at more this weekend then I have been in the last year.  I still have no idea why? 

Eric really liked his stuff so the thrift store came through again. Finding all the stuff he likes, but is no linger available normally has been a great find.

I took a bunch of pictures which I'll post tomorrow.  I made sure to get a lot since it was the reason I got the camera in the first place.

Eric was better this visit, but still had one crying attack about the family being no longer together.  So we left off that I will come see him again in April.  I will tell you the better I get the more it hurts when I drop him off. 

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thurday's Hurdles

I was very happy that my friend Paul said I could stay with him this weekend.  That's a $400 savings.  What a relief.  Gearing myself up for the trip.  It's always a emotional roller coaster.  The excitement to see him, the stress of the long drive, the fun and stress of being a full time Dad all of a sudden again.  Then as it peaks it's dealing with Eric's anxieties of the coming end of the weekend, that coupled with my own sadness.  So it's a real workout.

Mom's routine check up this morning turned into a 2 hour fiasco.  First she wasn't in the computer, but when they checked her chart is was written right there.  I usually give the paperwork to the nurse or doctor when she goes in.  This time they wanted it before hand which was unknown to me.  So we ended up waiting an hour till I heard them calling my Mom's facility for the papers.  When we finally got inside they didn't know she had a stroke last month so questions and tests followed.  Mom was doing well through it all.  When I get back next week I need to do her nails again and give her teeth a good cleaning.  Between my schedule and all the activities she went to this week I haven't had the chance.

I'll call April tonight before she gets to rehearsal for the comedy improv and set up seeing hopefully for next Tuesday.  Hopefully it will be from home tonight since I am tired and would like a good night's rest before the road trip tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday Wrap Up

Since Eric has off this week from school we decided to get together 2 hours earlier than normal.  I know it's going to be a rough day on him.  Usually when he's in school he's distracted till he gets home then he's the wound up child waiting.  Still waiting to hear from my friend Paul on whether his place is a go or not.  Still keeping my fingers crossed.

I left April a short message telling her I missed her and that I would talk to her tomorrow.  Hopefully we can get together Tuesday night.  I'm really hoping valet is slow next week because I'm tired from it. 

Anyway James Brown is visiting my office tomorrow.  No it's not a dead body just the telephone book guy.  I wonder if I play my CD will he dance?

I have to admit April is correct in that she is not an April.  She's born in October, but her parents like the name.  Her brother was born in April, but being a guy it didn't work.  The name just doesn't fit her. 

I Thought it Would Take Longer

It hasn't been 24 hours and I miss April already.  I thought it would have taken longer.  It's going to be a long weekend.

Gearing Up

Well I'm starting to make my list of what I need to bring to NY with me this weekend when I visit Eric.  I'll know from my friend if I can stay with him like usual tomorrow.  I really hope so.  NY hotels are so expensive all year around.  I'm also glad it's warming up and will stay that way through the weekend.

Glad for the break with April till next week.  I'll miss seeing her, but a few days to cool off will be good for me.  Although I have to admit I'm doing well this time with that intense desire to be with someone.  Like believing I'm likeable I am working it all each day and I am seeing the fruits of my labors.  April collects shot glasses so I will see if I can pick her up one or two from some of the places Eric and I go to.

Man I'm tired today.  I was good when I got up, but then it hit my and I could go right back to bed.  Well I need to get some work done today.  I need to find all call the phone book about placement, re file my student loan deferment, and find my all my court papers to hand to an attorney to finish my divorce up. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Third Date Review

One I am exhausted so I hope this makes sense.  Second I would like to thank everyone for their comments and words of encourgement and common sense.  Like my friend Rosalie today said well she must like you to go on 3 dates in less than a week. Oh yeah I never thought of that.  :)

So anyway we got a late start since April had open house at school.  She looked nice tonight in her dress.  I think she might have been a little self concious since she didn't really have any make up on this time which is the way she normally is. I told her she looked very attractive which she did.  We had decided on sushi and she knew a great place over in Chesapeake.  It was very good an cozy.  We got to share our food and talk a whole bunch. 

Now I can read the signals in April's eyes, but if she is giving body signals I'm blind to them.  I did rub her finger that she broke a few months ago when we first sat down, but it took me to the end of dinner to reach over and hold her hand while we were there.  Although looking back it was probably the most opportune time since the table was clear. 

When I dropped her back off at her Mom's place since it was closer than her apartment we talked a little more.  I told her I would miss her since I would be gone this weekend and that I was happy to have met her.  She's really a different person than I have ever gone out with.  I don't know how to explain how I feel after we've gone out.  The best way is a clean feeling if that makes any sense.  Nothing is muttled. 

We are still going through that awkward stage where we are not sure of each other, but I have come to terms that she likes me.  Now I just have to keep on top of me believing I am likable. 

Monday, February 19, 2007

Thoughts, Musings, Etc.

Lying in bed this morning I found the answer to my question I had asked myself last week.  What am I looking to get out of a relationship?  Healthier traits.  As I watched April move through the room last night I saw that she is more healthier than I in relationships.  She is casual and has distinct boundaries.  We could separate do our own thing and come back together without a hitch.  Something I am not use to with my ex.  I also see I will be working on one of me defects with her (many I know), but in certain areas she wants me to lead and I know myself.  When faced with uncertainty I will wait for the other person in a relationship which isn't always the best. 

One thing that really struck me last night was that I'm not ready emotionally to have sex with this woman.  Not that I was looking to hop into bed with her fast.  It was just a sobering thought. The last woman I was intimate with was my ex over 2 1/2 years ago.  The one woman in that time that I dated that wanted to have sex with me I said I needed time and then proceeded to dump me.  No regrets with my decision then and still none today.  No real direction with this just feelings.

The other thing I realized with April last night is that she wants to be with me and there is no need which is a good thing. 

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Second Date Special

Well I had to work valet tonight which I wasn't very happy about.  We never work Sunday nights.  It's a sweet sixteen party.  Sixteen year olds don't drive so that means drop offs.  That means we are as useful as an asshole on your elbow. 

So with my free time I called April to setup our second date on Tuesday.  I suggested Jillians which she stated she wouldn't be in the mood for since she was going tonight for a friend's birthday.  I asked if it was the one across the street from the club and she said yes.  So I told her to stop by and I would park them so they wouldn't have to pay for parking.  She asked what time I was getting off and if I wanted to come over.  I told her I would be able to come over for some of the time.  Anyway no one really used us so my partner said go.  So when April and her friends arrived I parked them and followed them over.  The twenty something crowd is fun just their not settled in their lives yet.  Careers are few and far between, but it is a fun and lively bunch.

As I suspected I'm in the lead with the physical department which makes me a little anxious.  My ex always said I was aggressive in that department although she was the only one to make that statement so I don't know how much water that holds.  So I was looking for a sign from April for a while and then I just put my arm around her and she leaned right into me.  That was the way it went from then on. Anything I did she was very happy to go along whether it be holding hands, a hug, or putting my arms around her.  I tell you one thing I forgot how nice it is to hold a woman in my arms.  So we had a fun time playing games and me getting to know everyone.  They were a great bunch of people and April's closest friends I really liked.  They seemed very non judgemental people in any area.  It was refreshing.  I have pictures of the night that I will post tomorrow.

Anyway April and I decided to do sushi Tuesday night.  I need to call her tomorrow to find out what time to pick her up.  I know she gets off at 6, but we never said what time.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday in Review

My very rarely home room mate Mal was home last night.  I know this since her alarm clock woke me up at about 6:30 am.  After going to bed late last night it was "no es bueno."  It took me a long time to go back to sleep.  I almost got up to go to yoga class, but fell asleep for a much needed few more hours.

Anyway I did my usual Starbucks thing and who should be hanging out there when I walk in, but Ms. Hallmark.  I almost had to laugh.  I've been looking to be able to talk to her for a few weeks now with no results.  Go out with April last night and here she is.  The universe has a sick sense of humor.

I gave April a fast ring today and ended up leaving her a message on her cell telling her again how much I enjoyed last night.  I told her I would call her back another time.  I was hoping she would call anyway and was disappointed when she didn't.  This also started the worry in my head that she doesn't like me and such.  So it was a real workout on calming myself tonight.

I'm trying to decide what to do Tuesday night.  Just to grab dinner seems boring since we did it Friday.  I was think the Commodore that old 50's movie house that served dinner although the new Diane Keaton movie playing there didn't seem to good.  Then I was thinking Jillians where we could play some games like air hockey and such.  We are both not karioke or clubs so at night there isn't much to choose from.  I'll see if I can think up anything else and present it to her when I call tomorrow night. Hopefully she has some choices also. 

Friday, February 16, 2007

Post Date Report

Well here it is what you've all been waiting for the post date rap up.

Well I picked up April at her job when she got off.  She was dressed very nice and had her hair done up fancy. She says she's not a big make up person and had help with everything.  I thought she looked great and said so.  She does have a natural beauty and too much makeup would take away from that. 

We went to the Capo Cafe.  It was different than I expected. It was like a glorified bar, but it was quiet.  Our waitress was nice, but liked to hover.  I swear I never understood more than a handful of words from her all night.  I had to keep looking at April to see what was said since she talked so low I think.  The food was very good like I heard it was.  Very surprising for the place.  It did get more crowded as the night went on and more smokey which sucked.

Anyway April and I talked and laughed a lot.  We're both weird so it helped.  Before the whole date I stopped myself from thinking of things to say since I knew I was trying to control the outcome of the night.  Letting go of that helped me be more relaxed and go with the flow.  So I was more humorous and lively.  It was a fun time talking about schooling to board games.

What was weird was that she never touched me which I take as a strong sign of attraction, although I could read it on her face from a mile away.  My problem was not being able to let go of not being touched to seal the deal.  I personally couldn't get over how attractive she looked and that something she has inside herself.  This drive that really attracts me.  Anyway we talked after dinner and then we decided to hit the road.  We continued talking about all types of stuff until I got her back to her car. 

I was going to ask if she had a good time since she was yawning (although I know she works a lot) to see if she liked me or not.  Then she asked me for my cell number again and I knew she did.  So I asked her if she wanted to go out again and she said yes.  We'll go out Tuesday after work.  We had a nice little kiss and said our goodbyes. 

I do see that April is good with some things and lacking in others.  With conversation she is good and can keep it moving.  I saw even with our kiss in the physical department she is waiting for me to lead.  I'm okay with that, but I am glad to know it.

Ah Refreshed

My last two patients today switched. One rescheduled to Monday and the other came in early which meant I could get out of the office early.  I stopped and vacuumed the car out so it's nice and clean for tonight.  I was a little worried when I stopped at the florist since I could tell it still hadn't recovered from Wednesday's Valentine's Day.  The storage unit was almost completely.  I asked for a white rose using Dee's suggestion and the lady thought she had one left in the back. I was very happy to see she did. 

I tell you there is suppose to have caffeine in a chai latte at Starbucks, but I tell you that stuff just makes me relax.  So I stopped there to write a little before heading home and grabbing a nap for my aging body.  So I'm nice and refreshed now. 

I'm glad A called the other night for more information.  I was worried my age would put a crinkle in us going out, but it seems to not be a problem which is good.  Picking up and dropping off on a first date is going to be weird since its been a LONG time since I did that.

I'll leave a post date entry later.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


I remember my ex telling me how strange it was that I could change so fast when I put my mind to it.  That came to me tonight at valet when this attractive woman came in with a delivery from Outback.  I talked to her for a little while, while she was waiting for the person to come get their food.  I didn't get personal with names or anything since I wasn't looking to ask her out.  I think she was looking for me to though.  All without being nervous.  I was surprised how much I had changed in the two weeks since I talked to that girl Sara at Starbucks.  I learned to push through the barrier then and it's just easy now.  Weird.  Now to work on the relationship stuff.

What Can I Say

Yep I still soak up negativity like a sponge.  My friend Steve used to hammer me with this kind of stuff.  Always looking at the bad side.  I guess when it's all you are served you get conditioned to do it.  Still a choice though and I still need work on it.  I do want to thank everyone for their views which helped.  I am looking forward to tomorrow night.  I'll clean my car out today and vacuum it tomorrow. 

Well let the St. Patrick festivities begin.  I put up all the St. Patrick day decorations up today and boxed up the Valentine's stuff.  Getting a nice little collection of stuff for each holiday.  Now onward to Easter.  See what I need.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Day in Review

Well it was nice today.  One of my patients said I had healing hands and that was nice to hear.

A called me tonight.  I was a little surprised.  She said her and her friend had been talking about me.  Her friend was like you don't know his last name, age, profession, anything.  So she called me to find out.  So we talked about it.  I gave her my information and didn't know if my age would bother her or not.  It didn't so that was good.  Everything went well.  However I was feeling tense afterwards and wondered why.  It took me a while to figure out it was the loss of control.  The control is an illusion, but it is an old relationship problem of mine.  It didn't affect my interactions with A, but I was off afterwards.  Grateful to figure it out and hopefully work on it.  However I know relationships push all my buttons and it will be a real workout to navigate them. 

Oh yeah, A said her friend went to the place I picked and said it was good so that's a plus.

Valentine's Day

I wasn't sad being single today, but I was really surprised today.  My Myspace profile had a bunch of Valentine greetings as did my email box. One of my patients even squeezed a little bag of candies and a card through the mail slot.  I think I actually got more stuff today than I every did when I was married.  LOL.

Finally got over to see my Mom today.  The last 2 days I couldn't get over there, but she was doing very well.  She seems more lucid to me and is able to converse better.  The social worker said she is also less weepy.  She believes Mom is getting the care she needs to get there.


A question for you ladies out there.  A single flower for my first date with A?  I usually do it on the second, but this first date seems bigger than my usual Starbucks first date. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tuesday Night

Well I called A tonight and setup everything for Friday.  I'm going to pick her up from work and take her to this place called the Cabo Cafe.  I searched the area on the web and it seemed like a nice place.  I drove past tonight on the way home and it wasn't a dump so we will see.  She seemed less nervous than I, but who knows.  Wow I haven't picked someone up for a first date in 18 years. 

I nearly laughed my ass off when I told my friend Rosalie I was going on a date.  She loudly squealed with delight, her hands all a flutter.  I wish I had a camera. LOL.  She was like I'll keep my eye out for you.  I was congratulated on my hutspa (I have no idea how to spell it) for asking an MC of a show out.

My friend Paul asked me 20 questions on it.  (Jeez I should go out more often since it makes so many people happy).  Anyway he asked if she was really attractive.  I told him she was average, but I really liked her eyes and how her smile starts slow then opens wide.  I said what really got me was when she said she saw the comedy improv in NYC and brought the idea back here and made it happen.  That's the mentality I find very attractive.

Well I still need some sleep.  Getting old I guess.  I'll need to take a nap before I pick up A Friday night. LOL.

The Usual Debate

Okay before I get started I would like to go on record taht I am getting tired of trying to get to my journal page that allows me to make an entry.

The usual debate that comes up between mr friends and myself is that once I'm going to go out with someone I stop looking.  I'm a focuser and to keep searching when I have someone with potential I don't see the reason.  Their counter is that I wouldn't focus so much. LOL.  For me their is no rush or feel like I'm missing out there someplace.  I guess my biggest fear would be if I met 2 really nice people at the same time.  I don't think I could handle that. 

Anyway I've asked for some recommendations from my friends on where I could take A for drinks Friday night that wouldn't be super loud.  We most likely won't get togther until 9-10 pm so Starbucks is out.  I want to call her tonight.  Tomorrow night at valet will be too crazy for me to be able to talk. 

Monday, February 12, 2007

Question 46 & 47

It was funny that I asked someone out yesterday since I was pondering what I was looking to get out of a relationship.  Yeah I know I think a lot about this stuff, but with no real role models in my life I'm still trying to invent fire.

Completion and happiness are my areas to take care of.  It has to be more than looks and sex.  So what then?  If you think I have an answer you're wrong cause I don't.  I sat down and figured out want I wanted in a woman.  Now I'm going out with one and its kind of like what do I do with her?  LOL.  Not that bad, but I guess twenty something years ago I didn't think or wonder and I ended up in a place I didn't like.  So yes I know I am on the other side of the page at the moment, but when things start to tilt I'll run back the other way.  Back and forth till I find some middle ground here.


Man I'm tired this morning.  I was to excited last night to fully fall asleep and I woke up early with my brain still racing along.  I'm happy A said yes, but more happy on how I handled everything.  From reading signals to talking.  It was funny I found this in one of my readings this morning on men, women, and body language.

"The thing I tell women is that you can’t be too obvious. Subtlety is lost on men. When a woman wants to pick up a guy across a table, often she’ll lift up her eyes and gaze at him, then look away. Women think it’s an obvious sign, but men think she’s not interested because she looks away."

LOL. It's so true.  Well the massage I scheduled for myself is killing me today. I can barely keep my eye open.  I'm waiting to hear from the mechanic about my car.  I dropped it off for an inspection and new brakes.  I think I'm going to grab a nap and if they call I'll get up to get it.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Super Sunday

Well it was the usual Sunday.  Got up late, Starbucks, writing, etc.  I was meeting friends tonight for Comedy Improv an event I schedule all of us to go to.  It was really less crowded than last time, but it was still good.

I got us front row seats and it was the same cast as last time.  Anyway through the show the MC and myself are making eyes at each other.  She's more sly at it than I am probably since she is in the spotlight.  So at the end of the show she came out with the cast to talk to everyone.  We talked a while.  My friend Lee was giving me the thumbs up sign from the door.  I was going to ask her out when this dweeb (sorry pal you were muscling in) started talking and kept on talking.  After a while I just asked A to step to the side so I could ask her a question.  So we have a date for drinks on Friday night after she gets off of work.  Pretty anxious through the whole thing, but what I have learned in the last few weeks really paid off. 

We all ended up (cast and us) going out to Kelly's Tavern and had a lot of fun.  However again I'm dealing with a twenty something.  It's been happening all week.  A was the third and the only one I asked out.  I'll call her Tuesday or Wednesday to finalize plans.  I have no idea where to go for drinks.

Saturday in Review

Well I was surprised to find my Mom in her old state yesterday after being only 24 hours in the Alzhiemer's unit.  She was feeding herself and asking questions again which was good.  She started to get sad when I was there and wanted to go home.  So I must bring up older memories in her head somewhere.

Little bummed S didn't show yesterday at Starbucks.  Ms. Hallmark did show her face with a coworker, but they quickly left since it was really crowded then.  I headed next door a little later on, but she was no where to be seen.  She must work in the back and that is why I never see her when I am in there.  Oh well.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Friday Thoughts

What a crap night at valet.  A party for 300 turned out to be around a 100 and only 1 car for us.  LOL.  We even had an extra guy on tonight.  The interesting thing that happened tonight was that we had extra help upstairs too.  One of the extra bartenders was an attractive woman.  I said a few words in passing in the kitchen and she smiled and winked at me.  Hey I might be slow, but I wasn't stupid.  We exchanged a few words with every one else around.  Then she said she knew Kyle our manager.  That sent a red flag up since pretty much all of his "groupies" smoke and I don't date smokers.  So I asked one of the waiters to find out for me if she smoked.  With the party so slow I was able to stop upstairs and make some more small talk with her, but it wasn't until the end of the night I was told she smoked.  No biggie.  I was happy that I was picking up more signals than before.  That I have to say has been since I saw S last Saturday.  So a lesson was learned somewhere.  Also I am hoping that S is at Starbucks tomorrow.  She knows I'll be there so here's hoping.

My friend Rosalie finally stopped by my office today.  I usually go over to her office to get treated, but today she needed one of my modalities.  I really liked what she had to say about my office.  She said she really couldn't picture what it would look like, but she said it was cozy.  I liked that.

I was happy to be there today when my Mom moved over to her new place.  She was like a child the first day of school, all apprehensive.  The new people coming in and out to get her all settled made her nervous.  However the nurse that came and sat down and told her all the things about the unit was the cherry on the top.  Mom was really getting anxious the more information she spurted out and I was like this is an Alzheimers/dementia unit.  Is this really necessary?

Thursday, February 8, 2007


What a week at work!  Reschedules and no shows are the flavor of the week.  It's funny people seem weird when I'm okay with them calling and rescheduling.  They just don't understand I am happy that they called instead of hanging around waiting for the to come in.

Well someone died and my Mom is moving into her new place tomorrow over in the Alzheimers unit. The interaction is more personal so that will be good for her and my brother and family can call her directly instead of going through me. 

I was happy to have her sign the Power of Attorney papers to sell her house.  She was anxious to do it since she didn't think she could.  She made a few circles, but it was good enough to get it notarized.

Wasn't expecting to work tonight at valet.  One customer is never enough to go in, but it was the president of the club.  The problem was that he and his wife were at the bar for an hour talking to the bartender after dinner.  Jeez don't talk to them and make them hang out.  Give them a bottle of wine and tell them to go home and have sex or something.  Get them out of there.  At least this president believes in tipping.  Not like our last president.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

The Dating Experience

It was funny I was talking to Becca over at.  Jeez I don't know where actually.  I don't think she has put in an entry in a long while and she is not on my sidebar.  Oh well.  Anyway we were talking about dating.  We talked about asking and internet.  Done both, but I have to admit I lean more to just asking out.  Probably because it makes me uncomfortable so I know it is an area that needs to be worked on.  I'm just a sucker for punishment.  Anyway it was funny since it must have did something.  Since then I've had a lot of women checking me out.  LOL.  One blonde lady in Starbucks I would have liked to ask out, but she didn't stay.  The others I wasn't interested in. 

A Sick Joke

This is becoming a sick joke.  Two months ago I ordered some Japanese gashapon which are animation figures off of Ebay.  I never got them and had to go through the process of getting my money back which I did.  Then I reordered them from someone else.  I've been playing tag with the mailman for the last few days and just went to post office today to get them.  When I get the envelope if doesn't feel right and when I open it they weren't inside.  Some kind of nylon cases were.  Am I destined to never to get this item?

The meeting for my Mom went well this morning.  She will be discharged from rehab Friday which is just another way of saying that's when our bill starts.  She would still have people walk her every day.  I talked to them about weaning my Mom off her wheelchair and to get her walking again.  They said they could do that.  My other concern was getting her to activities.  The coordinator said she found out my Mom's game.  She will say no if you ask to go, but if you tell her you'll take her then bring her back she is okay. My Mom likes people just doesn't know about getting around it.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Weird Science

My brother when he left gave me all his bottles of water so they wouldn't have to lug them back to NJ.  So I tossed them in my trunk.  It's been below freezing pretty much since then.  I pulled one out this morning after yoga and it wasn't frozen.  I was going to call him and ask what the hell was in the water.  What I did forget is that it is pressure sealed.  I opened it, took a swallow, and it just froze in the bottle.  Very cool!

I left word with the hairdresser yesterday and haven't heard anything back since.  Not holding my breath with her since I feel she's just being nice through all of this.  So we will see.  Hopefully S will be around Starbucks this weekend or a Ms. Hallmark sighting will happen when all the planets align.

Did my Mom's nails this morning with the new color my SIL bought.  Frosted sand I believe.  Who the hell comes up with these names?  Anyway light colors suck.  I had to put on like 2-3 coats to make it look good.  Dark ones are better you can get away with one coat.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Superbowl, Dating, etc.

It was funny I was at Starbucks yesterday for a while working and I looked up and it was completely empty as was the parking lot.  LOL.  I guess the Superbowl has started already.  As you probably can tell I didn't really care.  Anyway Hallmark was closed and Ms. Hallmark was no where to be seen again.

Trying to hit the brakes with the girl S from Saturday.  I'm in my usual jumping to light speed state.  I want to camp out there until she comes back.  My friend thought I was stopping dating, but I was just trying to slow myself down.  I want to be like an old man easing into a hot bath instead of a teenager head first into the pool.  It's a lot of work since this is new territory to me.  The really funny thing is that I have been talking to this hairdresser every few days just casual and I want her to move faster.  I realized this morning that she is moving at normal speed and I am the crazy one.  So I'm putting my right hand turn signal on, hoping in the far hand left lane, and slowing down to a crawl on the highway of life.

Well I stopped by the rec center today and I was hoping to set up some late night classes for me to teach on health.  What I did get is teaching in the morning to the senior crowd.  I started to grumble, but I had to realize this crowd is really health oriented and could be really good.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Family Fun

Well it was a fun day with the family of origin.  Something I never thought I would say.  I got to my Mom's early today and got her teeth all cleaned up before my brother and family got there.  It was a nice time and we even took her outside.  While we sat in the waiting area many of Mom's old aides stopped by to say hello to her which was really nice.  As most of you know my family is pretty dysfunctional so this was something of a milestone for us all to be sitting around having fun.

My brother set himself up when he asked our Mom who was cutier him or their dog. My Mom said the dog.  Some things never change.  Afterwards I was sad.  Family get togethers like this are rare and rarer still that they go well so it was touching.  Also as it was yesterday it was loads of fun with my niece Lucy which makes me miss Eric more.  So I was sad for a while today.

I got together with them again for dinner and I got some business advice from them which was helpful.  My niece will pretty much eat anything at 3 years old.  I saw he eat a raw oyster so there is probably nothing she won't eat.  LOL. 

My SIL told me she doesn't take to older men well so it was nice to see her take so well to me.  What can I say I'm a big kid at heart.

Starbucks and Dating

Well I did my stop in at Hallmark today and she wasn't around again.  So I figured I would buy a card.  I was waiting till she was around, but I figured I get Eric a b-day card before his 18th birthday the way this was going.  So I found a really good one, paid for it, and headed over to Starbucks.

I got a seat next to my pal J the homeless guy.  He was fixated on other people today instead of me which was good.  An attractive woman that I saw come in last week came in today. However she wasn't making eye contact.  So I went on with my writing.  A while later and attractive woman sat down in front of me.  I wrote her off since I could tell she was waiting to meet someone.  He walked in a little while later.  However one thing I did notice over the next hour was that she was looking over at me and smiling.  So I smiled back and figured I needed to eavesdrop on this conversation to see what the hell is going on.  Anyway there friends I come to find out.  She's in her 20's I can tell, but I'm really liking the smile.  So I end up turning my laptop back on and decide to stay.  She's still giving me the occasional eye and when her friend goes to the bathroom I start up some small talk with her.  She's fun and easy to talk to. Her friend comes back WAY to fast.  Anyway she comes there a lot just later than I do.  The best part of this is when I am talking to her Ms. Hallmark decides to walk in.  Hey lady where the hell have you've been?  LOL.  It's getting close to when I need to meet my brother for dinner.  S's friend is not leaving again and I feel weird asking her out in front of him.  So when I left I told her I hope to see her there again and that I would be back tomorrow afternoon.  Hopefully she will be there or I'll have to stop in later during the week.

Actually a question.  What is the etiquette when two people are together and you want to ask one out?

Friday, February 2, 2007

Family Time

Well I got to spend time with my brother and family this morning at the aquarium.  It was great fun playing with my niece Lucy who is three.  A little sad I forget how much fun it is to play with little kids.  Being a big kid myself.  I also took some pictures of the dolphin statues that dot the place.  Each one is different and they are all over the city.

My landlord is now gone for the week, but I got home too late to want to air guitar, but I will make some time over the weekend for that.

I'm thankful for my friend Rosalie for turning me onto Quicken.  It was nice to know exactly how much I had spent for January and have my checking account accounted  for instead of flying in the dark.

Hitting a snag with trying to sell my Mom's place. I don't have an original Power of Attorney so we are trying to see if they will take the copy.

Thursday, February 1, 2007


One thing I hate is when you compliment a woman to get the ball rolling and you get a nice thank you and that's it.  No bone to grab onto.  Thanks I'll be leaving with egg on my face.

And no it wasn't Ms. Hallmark.