Tuesday, February 27, 2007

#4 on the Horizon

Well April's voicemail was empty tonight so I left a message.  When she called back I have to admit she was better on the phone and we talked for a record time which I would say was about 4-5 minutes.  She was pretty much in one piece from skiing except for a brace on her wrist and sore as anything.  The good thing she realized is that she has a lot to do if she wants to win her bet and do 2 pull ups by June.  Since if she looses she has to cut her down to an inch or is it 3.  Not looking forward to that if it happens.

Anyway it's a pretty busy week for her and I know she goes away to Baltimore next week.  So we agreed on tomorrow night after I get off of valet which will be early say 7:30.  I have a few places picked out and it all depends on where I am picking her up from.  Also since she is really busy this week I'll ask if she wants some help cleaning up her place since her friend Emily is moving in with her.  I never thought I would meet anyone with a busier schedule than mine.  So it would be some extra time for us to get together. 


Anonymous said...

you have a great time with april.

Anonymous said...

See???   ;-)

Anonymous said...

Working out well:)  Okay, if she's going to be in a show at one of the clubs in B'more, yanno, a public event thing, please feel free to e-mail the info.   I'll be in the area for at least part of the weekend (besides, they have a great St. Pat's parade on Sunday).   -- Robin