Saturday, June 9, 2007

Oral Sex & Sluts

Deb's comment last entry made me think on the term sluts.  So that you women know guys very rarely use the term "slut" and if they do it's in a joke.  The term "slut" was created by parents to prevent their little precious girls from every having sex.  Kind of like telling boys you'll go blind if you masturbate.  Since the male population is walking with with a cane and a seeing eye dog it's all just a lot of crap.  However I do notice that women desperately grab this word as the evil of the world.  From the guys point of view your worrying about a lot of shit.  I know I don't really care about how many men you've been with as long is it isn't when I'm with you.  Guys in general like women that are connected to their sexual side.  Helps break the myth in our brains about women being the sexless side of the relationship.  I've already had one women reader say she remembers her first oral sex experience in receiveing better than her wedding.  Good for her weddings are over rated.  So let me ask which are you - oral sex or wedding?


Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is a geographic thing...because let me tell you, go into the bars around the Chicago land area & you will hear the guys calling certain women sluts. Now this in some ways has changed a bit over time. Now it is the skanky women or the ones that has done every guy in their group & they now see her moving on to the next group on the other side of the bar. It is used though. Of course Ho has replaced the word for many but that just means the same thing. And no, that is totally not the idea of a woman who is comfortable with her sexual side but the research does still show that women will underestimate because it does bother guys overall. Remember 3 Weddings & a Funeral when she is going through the guys!  Ha!

Anonymous said...

Well, you know I posed that question to a group of girlfriends of mine.  I'll go ahead and point out here, publically, that it was a mixed response.  One said wedding day was remembered more clearly.  Two said neither were memorable enough and could they please just forget both.  lol  A few remembered particular special early times with oral sex, but not thee very first time, not really, unless it was good (so, I suppose count them as wedding day, but?).   In the more detailed responses in my not-scientific sample, it seems that the quality of that "first-time" memory makes a difference, too, in remembering every detail more clearly.  Me?  I've never been married, so I don't have to answer ;)

Anonymous said...

Hah... I live in Chicago (Wrigleyville)... and it's true... "Slut" is the big word around town along with other four letter words...