Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Give & Take

"My wife and I have a give and take relationship.  I give and she takes." ~ Henny Youngman (I think)

I stopped by my friends yesterday to get adjusted.  I rarely adjust her since she still sees someone else.  It's a real great thing to have someone to go to since I am pretty hard on my body.  We'll usually talk shop and I will usually share my stuff with her.  But I when I was there yesterday helping her with a wrist injury she said, "you're a God send Mike."  It really stopped me.  {Yes I know I can over think things}  So I am evaluating myself today. I know I have an extreme problem just excepting stuff especially from women.  It's a worthiness thing and to balance it out in my mind I am usually overdoing it on my side of the street.  In the past it was a big problem in my relationships and has been something I have been working on, but when you are not in a relationship it is hard.  Looking at my friendship with Rosalie I find myself doing everything all right.  However I haven't been conscious of what I have been doing.  So that always makes me stop and look.

I keep forgetting to do my year end finacials which means I just don't want to do them.  So I will have to schedule a time this week to do them. 

Very confused with this Medicaid stuff.  The social worker said Medicaid needed to do a medical evaluation.  Medicaid says not them, but I didn't get to talk to her case worker yet just the supervisor.  Oye.

Okay so now we have tags on our journals.  Forget the tags we need more moods.  The ones we have just don't do it. This from a guy that usually stays with the basic five.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or, a blank option in moods, to fill it in ourselves!    I don't yet "get" tags, what exactly they are, but moods I can figure out:)  Just not within their categories.

I don't envy the medicaid crap........   and I know it'll be my turn soon enough.   Oh, just accept the compliment sometimes, Mike:)   It's okay.  -- Robin