Thursday, December 7, 2006

My Ex Rant

I got my a letter from my ex today and I have to admit I was calm opening it which is a vast improvement.  It was a copy of my son's report card and he is doing extremely well which I am happy about.  What's stuck in my craw is that Eric has been wanting to get baptized and has been taking classes.  So my ex said he is now ready and will do it on the 10th and that her dad and her niece want to be god parents.  All of which I don't have a problem with.  My problem is that today is the 7th which doesn't allow me to get away for his baptism.  Between dating and marriage I was with my ex for 15 years and you get to know someone during that length of time.  When it was explained in court that if Eric had ANY event happening that I legally had the ability to come and if her family had a problem with it then that was too bad on them.  She was not happy with that at all.  I think the last minute notice of when the baptism is happening and the choice of god parents is suspect.  Especially since the the report card is dated the middle of last month.  For me it is always has been picking and choosing my battles and this is not one I feel like fighting over.


Anonymous said...

This isn't right.  :(  I"m sorry, Mike.   But, pick and chose, and if this isn't the important one to you, then life goes on.   At least give him an extra call that day, and a card.  :)  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to read about how your ex is doing these things to you Mike. She seems to be pushing your buttons. But you have to stay on your good side, for the sake of your son...this good side of yours is something you'll fall back on when the right time comes.
Happy Holidays,
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

That's a shame, Mike.  You should have been considered, and I'm sorry that wasn't the case.  I'm hoping that you have a chance to get in a phone call with your son, and the opportunity to let him know how happy you are for him on 'his day.'   Tina