Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Carzy Neighbor

"Abner! Abner! I just saw some strange creature running across the Stevens yard." ~ Gladys Kravitz (Bewitched)

As many of you can remember throughout the hot summer I had many of run ins with my crazy neighbor across the hall at work.  About it being to cold with the AC and noise from when Eric was here.  Also lights off in the hall and the front door locked when I was here.  Anyway the other day it's cold outside and the AC is on for the massage therapist.  It's cold in here, but not to bad for my standards.  However K is not saying a word.  It's way colder than it was over the summer.  Now today she has her door wide open.  The massage therapist has a client and she is just vacuuming her office.  That woman just ain't right.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, Mike, either she has the Christmas spirit, or she's menopausal??  Or, sick?  :)  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

maybe she likes you LOL!
Gem :-D
(...just kiddin'!)