Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Well it wasn't Death knocking on my door this afternoon, but his brother Financial Problems.  Who I think is worse.  Death just comes and it's over. His brother on the other hand hangs around so that you pray for his brother to come a knocking.  Got a letter for people wanting there money.  It always strikes me hard and it is a real workout not to freeze in my tracks and just panic.  I had helped some friends a few weeks ago with letting stuff go and it came back to me.  I couldn't do anything to change the situation.  If I could I would have done so yesterday.  So all I can do is keep doing my best and work for some solutions.  None of which are coming soon which is the painful part.  I tell you I've been behind the 8 ball since I have been down here.  Glad I love the place.  Part of me wants to rage at my ex since this started with her taking the money when she left and leaving me less than nothing.  Looking back I have survived to this point.  Not great, but I haven't missed a meal or lived in the woods yet which has been options is the past 2 1/2 years. So I do count my blessings. 


Anonymous said...

Believe me, I do relate.   Sorry to hear it, though.  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

Boy, I know how you feel, Mike!  But, I count my blessings too...  


Anonymous said...

    Hey Mike .... Having bills hanging over your head is one of the worst stresses ... especially if you can see no way of paying them on the horizon.  I've been there, and I know.  Try to hang in there, my friend, and think a positive thought.  
   I just spent some time catching up on your journal entries.  I'm glad you were able to get out for Chinese food for Christmas.  Let's hope they didn't serve a duck that was smiling at you ( yup, I've been watching the 'Christmas Story' marathon.)  I'm glad you were able to talk to your son, although it had to be difficult to do it from a distance on Christmas Day.  I'm hoping that you will have the chance to see him soon.
   Take care, my friend.  I'm wishing you all good things in 2007 .... you deserve them in abundance !  Tina

Anonymous said...

I know all about how stressful this can be; having bills hanging over your head. It can be so overwhelming at times. good luck with it....I am sure it will get better.