Tuesday, November 6, 2007

TMI Tuesday

1. Do you believe in ghost? If so have you every seen one? I guess I never really thought about it. However I have seen and no I wasn't on drugs. When we first moved down here to VA there use to be a child that use to run up and down our halls. I never mentioned it to my ex and then one night we were talking about it and she described the same thing I use to see.

2. What’s the scariest movie you ever saw? The Two Sisters. I'm not a horror fan, but this was suppose to be more suspense. What a fuckin' load of crap that was. It was HORROR all the way. I didn't even finish watching it.

3. If you were given a house that was free would you accept it if it was haunted? No. There's just some bad mojo there.

4. If you were given a house that was free would you accept it if the last person had been murdered in it? Even though the odds of it happening again are astronomical that's just some really bad karma.

5. What was your most favorite costume you wore for Halloween? I would say 4th grade I was a werewolf. My brother's girlfriend did my face with a eye brow pencil. Everyone wanted to see it.

Bonus (as in optional): What’s your most memorable Halloween memory? My ex wife found out I had cheated on her on Halloween.  5 days later I started to completely change my life around.


Anonymous said...

Your ex-wife found out on Halloween, or you had cheated on her on Halloween?

I've seen my Guardian Angel.  

Anonymous said...

You cheated on your ex wife??  I didn't know that?? lol

Bad Bad Mike! hee


Anonymous said...

So I guess you got a trick, so was it a treat that you both divorced? (grin)