Sunday, July 15, 2007

Sunday Monkey Wrench

Well on my way to meet IT Girl I had a message from her.  So when I called she asked if we could cancel since she said she was feeling reflective today and knew she wasn't in the best frame of mind to meet someone.  So I told her no problem and just to let me know when she wants to go out. 

So I found myself with some free time today.  With that in mind I went over to see the Transformers movie.  I had finally talked to a few people and they were correct.  Leave your brain at the door and it's a fun summer movie to watch.  The 2.4 hours went by rather quickly except to my ever expanding bladder.  The guy at the urinal next to me was looking over at me since I was there way before he got there and I was still standing there when he left.


Anonymous said...

sounds like it girl is flakey...runnnnnn!! lol lol
I mean come on you just want to meet her...please....
Donna in TEXAS

Anonymous said...

lol sounds like you really had to go.

Anonymous said...

IT girls sounds flakey to me, Mike!  From what I've been reading about her.. IT is a good word for her!  Sorry.. :/
