Friday, October 12, 2007

Dude, I'm So Wasted

Trying to pry my ass out of bed was not as bad as yesterday, but took awhile. I really could feel how drained I was at the gym this morning. My normal weights were really heavy and I had to struggle through my normal sets. I really need to rest over the weekend to replenish my energy.

On the dating front it has been a quiet week since I've been consumed with my Mom and knew dealing with any women would be bad. I can use a woman to forget all my problems too fast so I always walk very carefully during those times. I haven't seen Spa girl all week so next week I'll head over to her place and see if she is around. In the meantime Cat girl emailed me back. I wrote her a while ago and had wrote her off, but she seems to have sporadic Internet usage. As an aerobics teacher she's health oriented which is good, but not quite sure she is too much. In that I mean just slow with the relationship and not just dump it all. So we'll see.


Anonymous said...

I've been wiped out for a couple weeks now.  It can be draining.  Sometimes people react as if all the draining parts are after the persons death, but it's not limited to that.  Anyway, I can relate to some of what you're going through with your mother.
As for dating, yeah well, I told N earlier this summer I wasn't looking for dating as I didn't have time.  I didn't and I don't, yet (I will), yet when it seemed good, we found some time.  If you need to ease back on looking and focus on other areas of your life, it's okay.  If someone special shows up, then hey, go for it:)

Anonymous said...

sometimes when you don't  look too hard or pursue someone so hard, it comes to you unexpectedly...
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

good luck to you--- i am going through some similar 'getting back to dating' behaviors and its wild--- it's like there is a whole new set of rules but no one is posting them to my benefit.  all i do is just relax and try to be me.   take it easy.