Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hump day

While naps are refreshing they totally screw my sense of time. I have no idea what day it is today. Everything I did yesterday morning prior to my nap feels like 2 days ago. I'm having to double think everything to make sure I'm on the right day.

Well it's been a while since I've overdrawn my bank account. I didn't take into account my merchant service fee. Oh well. I hate it when that happens. I'm happy it doesn't freak me out like it use to do. It use to be a more frequent occurrence which I'm happy to realize hasn't happened in a while. Last month's slowness is affecting me. I'll have to switch money around to cover everything. I'll still be short the money , but hopefully it will give me enough time to catch up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that sometimes after events happen often enough, we just simply deal and move on, even if for someone else, it'd freak him/her out.  Not that I've been overdrawn in a long time myself, and we both know that we wish to avoid it whenever possible, just saying you've learned that life moves on, and you're still okay.  Glad it's less often now:)  Well, except that hump day, nap, and screw, portion.  I wish you more of THOSE.