Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm a Dinosaur

As you may or may not know I work with a lot of younger people when I do pizza. While we do have a group of seniors who work also most are young. I seem to be right in the middle of the bell curve. Anyway we talking and I can't even remember how the flow is going. Anyway I say underwear and one guys stops and looks at me and says, "Underwear? My dad wears underwear and he's 56." Okay I didn't know underwear is now a foo pah. Now boxers seem to be the topic with a few jokes at me. So I make a joke about in my day I had to walk 20 miles uphill in the snow to buy a pair of moth eaten underwear and I loved it. They look at me and for some reason my comment starts a talk on how they got to school. Whether their parents drove, bus, etc. WTF! What are they teaching these kids of today. Standard jokes go right over their head. I would like to say it's the new math, but since it's old math now I don't know what to say.


Anonymous said...

Best to keep your mouth shut, Mike! lol  You old underwear, snow walking up hill both ways dinosaur, you! lol


Anonymous said...

working with kids can be a job in itself. I'm 48 I wonder what they would think of me. LOL