Friday, June 15, 2007

Pizza Stories 2 or People are Strange

I'm beat tonight after working 8 hours at the pizza place.  We were swamped as I was told it was normal for a Friday night.  It was a strange night since I had to use my phone 3 times and bang on people's doors like someone from COPS.  I mean people if you order a pizza be aware that someone will come to your door and knock to give you the pizza.  I did drop off $80 dollars worth of pizza to one house and I have to say it was a lot of pizza. 

The true stupid award did go to this one young women who had her door propped open.  I couldn't find an address so I thought it was hers.  I knocked, then called inside.  Nothing even though I could hear her talking.  So I stuck my head in and called out again.  She finally came to the door and told me that it wasn't her.  Now lady your hanging out, your door is propped open and you your girlfriend are just hanging out and talking in the other room.  I tell you I could have been Jason and wiped the place with her and I wouldn't of had to even open a door.

Crap I forgot to see how many deliveries I did tonight.  I know I used 3/8ths of a tank of gas.  The weird thing of the night was that I had a lot of deliveries in L's neighborhood.  I went past her street a couple of times and past our old haunts.  I was a little weird at first then I realized I was the dumpee so I had nothing to feel bad about.


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you will have plenty of good pizza delivery stories to tell. It must have felt weird going my L's house.

Anonymous said...

You're making me hungry.  Sure you don't deliver this far?!