Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday Thoughts

I stopped by my friends today to get some treatment for myself.  Told him I would most likely see him Monday since I am making my marathon trip Sunday to pick up Eric which usually kills my back.  He stated that I was a good dad.  It got me thinking.  I never think that I am a good person.  I don’t consciously think I am a bad person, but since I don’t do the good I know I feel in the blanks with something bad.  I remember that Monae said that I was a good person and deserve good things and it was a great mantra for a few days to pick myself up.  I know it is why I do a lot.  However I know I take very little if any pride in what I do.

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A separate issue.  Every week I do my Mom’s nails.  It’s become funny now.  All the other residents are coming over and asking me if I do them for everyone.  LOL.  I tell them the person who does it comes Monday.  Hopefully they will leave me alone.  LOL.  Now they want kisses goodbye also.  Oye. 


Anonymous said...

That's because you are a good person, and a good dad!  Believe it, Mike!  Any son who will take the time to do his mothers nails, is one hell of a man, in my book!!


Anonymous said...

That's because you are a good person, and a good dad!  Believe it, Mike!  Any son who will take the time to do his mothers nails, is one hell of a man, in my book!!


Anonymous said...

That's because you are a good person, and a good dad!  Believe it, Mike!  Any son who will take the time to do his mothers nails, is one hell of a man, in my book!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for including me in your entry that definitely put a SMILE on my face so thanks. You are a good person and you are definitely a great guy. I really think you are quite charming to add to that. I find you are also a person with a great sense of humor and your quite interesting. I so do enjoy getting to know you. Please don't ever change.........Once again I would like to thank you for being included in your entry. Take care and remember your a great person. Your definitely a great great great great great great great great great person. Byyyyyyyye for now !!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For what I've learned about you so far....and I'm sure there is PLENTY that I don't know....but as much as I can figure are a very good dad.  And I think you are a very good son.  You take very good care of your mom, and not everyone who has had the experiences that YOU did growing up, would do it!  So that, my friend, makes you a very good person in general!  I'm proud to call you my friend!  I'm serious, you are!!
Hugs, Linda