Saturday, August 5, 2006

Saturday Night

Well the heat wave finally broke and it was a beautiful day here.  For the most part I was indoors in a seminar.  It was helpful information even though it was dry stuff.  Sad that my friend Peggy couldn't make it.

So I went down to the beach afterwards to read and relax.  The beach umbrella I got on sale a few weeks ago worked out great to keep the sun off of me while I read.  There was some big waves there at the ocean front.  I parked myself far back since I could see that waves were coming pretty far up the beach.  Actually past the lifeguard stand. 

Well the Junior Olympics will end tomorrow and the motel situation will return to normal.  I will check this places prices for the week.  If it is too high I will go back to the other place.  This places Internet connection isn't great, but it is real nice and big, plus close to the office.   


Anonymous said...

Hi Mike~
I've been reading your journal & trying to keep up with your busy life, but everytime you mention how hot it is, i want to mail you some of my Phoenix heat (one summer it got to 122 degrees, and airports shut down due to the temp) Anyway, you talk about ur mom and I don't know her situation, only that it's difficult for you emotionally. What entry should I read to learn about why she is in a facility. Since my kidney transplant, I care so much about others conditions, maybe it's the nurse in me too. Well, enjoy your ocean (yeah, like I rally mean that, LOL) Diana~    

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,
That sounds sooooo nice sitting on the beach reading!  Life of luxury, my friend!  Hope you will be able to find a cheaper place to stay!  I'm sure if you look hard enough, you will!  Have a GREAT week!!!  Hope you have more patients then you have lately!
Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike !!!!!!!! I'm glad the heat wake broke for you. I'm sorry to hear that your friend Peggy couldn't make it. I would have liked going to the beach with you it sounded nice. I wouldn't mind getting away from this heat here in Atlanta, Georgia but it doesn't seem to end. The beach where I recently went camping was awful at Duckett Mill Campground. The water was low, there was nothing but tiny pebbles to walk on which hurt to walk on, the water was kind of yucky and my nieces didn't want to swim in it. I am glad you enjoyed your day at the beach. Next time take me with you. Take care.

Anonymous said...

sounds like you had a nice relaxing day at the beach on saturuday that's good. Glad the heat finally broke.