Monday, August 7, 2006

Tired and Unfocused

Someone screeched tires last night and woke me up.  I thought someone was screaming so my adrenalin was pumping and it took me a good long while to fall back to sleep so I am tired today.  It took me a long time to pry myself out of bed this morning.

I am going through the business motions, but it is hard to get truly focused like I was 2 months ago.  All this business with my Mom has distracted me and I am having a hard time refocusing back.

I think I will leave a little early today since it is slow and relax back at the motel before my meeting tonight.  Maybe I will grab a dip in the pool later.  We'll see. 


Anonymous said...

Swim in the pool sounds real good!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your swim. I hate being woken up. Takes me forever to get back to sleep.