Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Thinking and Musing

Well I am meeting J for Starbucks tomorrow afternoon.  Pretty casual about it since she is moving out of state in a few weeks.  However it will be fun to go out.

The following weekend I am working out plans to meet C and see how it goes.  It's an hour drive up to where she lives which is something I am not to happy about.

All of this and then I get a reply email from my college friend Peggy.  I've always liked her and we have always had fun together.  This is the first time in our friendship that neither one of us is married.  Since we started communicating again over the last month or so I always think of making it more.  What stops me?  She is 4 hours away with a practice of her own.  I have mine here and I don't want to move.  So I imagine.  I am thinking of driving out to see her in a couple of weeks to see her when she gets back from CA. 

Just my musing since it has been on my mind.


Anonymous said...

One day at a time Mike. Enjoy tomorrow with J and see where that goes. then take it from there.
Have fun! ENJOY!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You have women coming out of the woodwork, Mike!  Have fun with it! :)


Anonymous said...

That would be cool to go see Peggy again, You never know. Have fun at Starbucks.