Monday, July 24, 2006

Monday, Monday

With Christine I think she had cold feet.  I think this is her first date since her divorce 2 years ago.  I emailed her to find out when it would be good to call her.  She sounded happy that I would call her so I will do so tonight. 

Thanks for all the comments from you ladies.  It's always rough to know where you stand with a person you have talked to but haven't gone out on a date yet.  So we'll talk tonight and I wish her a happy trip and we'll hopefully get together in a month.

Went to see my Mom this morning, but she went down with everyone to the beach. So I'll go back this afternoon. 

Bummed.  I found the perfect couch for the office only to find that it is too big.  I need a love seat instead.  It's hard since the carpet is blue to find a color match.  I may be partially color blind, but I can tell in the blue color arena.  Greens forget about it.


Anonymous said...

You definately need to call her and talk in person instead of email...go ahead and take the plunge.. you'll do fine!!!!

Anonymous said...

will you just call her already!!! please!!!!!!!!!!
just kidding Mike; do whatever you feel right doing.
(but I really think you should call her!)

Anonymous said...

I told you to call her her yesterday, so call. LOL.