Friday, July 7, 2006

War with the Neighbor

Well I walked back into the office today and it was a little warm.  So I walked into the hall to put the AC on.  There was a note from K across the hall saying that the lower temperatures weren't acceptable and if they continued she would make a written complaint.  When I the massage therapist had a problem we talked about it.  This stuff just pisses me off.  Looking at what really pisses me off is that I am taken out of the loop like I don't exist.  Old tapes playing and I don't like it.  Nuff said.


Anonymous said...

sorry about that, some people should just and talk to the person  your having the problem with.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,
I'm on YOUR side!  What a b**** for just leaving a note instead of having the guts to talk to you face to face!  I hate chicken people who do things like this!  I hope it all works itself out, I really do!  Its not good to work with that kind of negative energy floating around, ya know?
Love, Linda