Monday, October 16, 2006


Well I spent the night last night decorating my room.  I pulled out a lot of my Japanese stuff and I ordered a couple of pictures for the room that I have been wanting for a while.  2 Alfonse Muccha, The Beatles Abbey Road, and a small Blondie pic.  Once there up it will feel like mine.  Like always when I take care of myself better I don't care about dating which is usually why I go in and out.

Throwing in the towel with the divorce papers.  I'm grateful to have been able all I've done on my own, but the list I got showed that there is just too much that I don't know to finish it up.  Happy with the decision.  I've taken care of myself since I was little and the belief that I have to be able to do it all has been a hard one to shake. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a hard thing to shake.   Give yourself a big pat on the back for being able to go THIS far!   Legal stuff is a lot to wade through, even for intelligent people with a good understanding of the English language, if not trained legally.
How fun to decorate YOUR way:)   Recently got my father an Abbey Road t-shirt.
-- Robin