Friday, October 27, 2006

My Office, My Rant

Not once, but twice this week people I know want me to cut them breaks with care.  It's their health care and I'm not paying for it so that only leaves one other person.  When did I become a sugar doctor.  I guess this really pisses me off because in the past I use to do this, but it is putting them in front of me.  And that is not taking care of myself.  I do have good friends that I don't charge and most of them over the years actually have started paying me because they just didn't feel right about it. So the new office policy is if you want me to work for free just tell your boss you'll do the same and we're set.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain I get rich plastic surgery woman who live in mansion and they try to get out of paying me my fee. They can bite my ass with there rich set of teeth!!
Donna In TEXAS

Anonymous said...

No big surprise that there are moochers everywhere. Of course you want to help your friends, but you need a roof over your head and clothes on your back, too. Your new office policy is the only reasonable way to go...Sugar Doc (I love that!)---angel