Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Phone Call

Got a call from my ex this morning on my machine.  That she called tells me it is serious, but she said everything is okay.  When I send Eric a letter each week I put in two trading cards.  Last week was Yu Gi Oh.  So he accidentally left them in the envelope and it got thrown away and taken by the garbage men this morning.  So he lost it this morning.  We know he tries to be so perfect also that anything I give him he treasures as a part of me.  I know he always tells me he NEVER trades the cards I give him.  So I will talk to him later.  Mostly with the direction of where for him to get help with this stuff.  I'm hoping he stopped into see his counselor at school.  That streak of perfectionism is rough and bottling stuff up is terrible.  I share with him how I deal with it, but hopefully other sources will help.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that she recognizes this as something she needed to let you know about, and that you will be able to talk with him:)  I'm sure you help him a lot, while I agree that other sources are useful, too, particularly as he grows older.   Hang in there -- Robin  

Anonymous said...

so sorry that he lost it this morning. I hope he gets a chance to talk to someone about it. It's so hard for kids to understand things sometimes.

Anonymous said...

How sweet that you send two cards..my daughter is addicted to Pokemone cards....Perfectionists are always dealing with a part of them inside that doesnt think of themselves as valuable...To have a strong work ethic, or desire to do your best is a very proactive result but your right, it causes depression. think how much Martha Stewart lost to gain her wealth...but your child is young...every single one of us go through that.....its a season....they come out of it.  I know you know all of this but just didnt want you to worry....does your son like sports? the outdoors?..hobbies or interests are great places to gain confidence
