Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Well I tracked down our covering person tonight and he is able to cover me for Saturday so that I can go to the Halloween party.  I'm really exicted about it.  I'll pass on the hot tub though.  Now I just need to get a costume tomorrow.  I think I might go for a Jedi outfit for myself. 

I realized last night that the daycare center next store hadn't dropped off their signs for when the take all the little ones around for there trick or treating.  I was a little worried since I already made up 100 bags for them.  I was glad I stopped by to ask since they realized no one had done it.

For the second week in a row Eric hasn't called on Wednesday.  So I will call tomorrow.  I know if I let it go it will be only 2 phone calls a week in no time.  I don't mind the calls when we both say we don't have much to say, but at least we made that decision.  I've been down this road of having my rights slowly widdled away and I don't let it happen anymore.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You made up 100 bags of candy for the day care next door? What a great guy you are! Don't ever loose that kind heart you keep beating inside you, Mike. ---angel