Friday, October 20, 2006

Lame Party

Well it turned out to be a older smaller crowd than what was expected.  It was just plain lame.  The only thing memorable was a group of women telling my partner that if we wanted we could go to another party with them as long as we had some weed.  Where these people come from I have no idea.

Well my landlord will be back tomorrow night.  I will miss having the place to myself. Since the larger air guitar will have to go in the closet and the smaller version for music at normal levels will come out.

It was funny my friend asked me what I was doing this weekend.  I gave a laundry list of stuff.  Yoga, then a patient, art show, valet.  Then Sunday I hope to meet my first J Lander.  No wonder one of my friends worries about me having a heart attack.  It sounds like a lot, but I tell you there is a lot of free time inbetween activities.  I try to label myself as a high energy person, but I guess it still causes people to shake their heads.


Anonymous said...

Sorry the party was not what you expected; sounds like a busy weekend for you though and busy is good!!! I hope Sunday goes well...have fun!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

No wonder I had two alerts for this entry, it posted twice!   Well, sorry the party wasn't so stellar, but at least it wasn't TOO dramatic, either:)   Too bad your landlord returns TONIGHT, and not a couple days from now, but I suppose enjoying the time you had is worth something, too.   Having my daughter finish up homework here to finally get on the road............
-- Robin  

Anonymous said...

well sorry the party was lame. Hope you have fun meeting your first j-lander.