Friday, January 19, 2007

Almost Done

Well my friend helped me move the big pieces out of my Mom's room so that is now done.  What a relief.  Now I just need to finish her Medicaid application.

It was really weird to have everyone home last night at the house.  Mal has only been home 2 times this month.  I don't think I have actually seen her since Thanksgiving.  She was already in her room when I got home late last night.  The thing that sucks about being the late sleeper is that everyone gets up before I do.  While Pete and Herman I rarely hear get up.  Mal's and mine room are right next to each other. So I was awoken several times this morning to the snooze alarm going off.  It was just like being married.  My ex took forever to get up in the morning. If she was getting up before me there was no sleeping late since by the time she got up I had heard the alarm blare so many times I was awake.


Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, I remember those days...........   that particular aspect, I do not remember fondly.   -- Robin

Anonymous said...

I am totally not a morning person and I hate alarm clocks.  I feel your pain buddy.
