Saturday, January 6, 2007

Hail to the King

"If God didn't want them sheared, he wouldn't have made them sheep" ~ Eli Wallach (Magnificent Seven)
I met this guy today who truly had mastered the art of marketing.  He was a carpet salesman and to every person he sold a carpet to he gave them a free certificate for a free puppy of kitten at the SPCA.  That was how he got his repeat business.  I couldn't believe how creative it was.  A pup or kitten is going to destroy any carpet by going to the bathroom on it or ripping it up. I have to think of what I can give my patients when they switch over to maintenance.  Maybe free bungy jumping tickets.


Anonymous said...

Oh.. you are bad! lol


Anonymous said...

Well, my cat chose the furniture rather than the carpet..but I think your right..clever repeat business marketing,,,loll...Its like getting tires for your car and the guy gives you a slow