Wednesday, January 10, 2007


Well I went to visit my Mom today and she gave me my legacy by coughing all over me.  Like a little kid I had to keep telling her to cover her mouth.  She was feeling weak so I asked the nurses how she was doing.  They said she was getting over a cold and had had a fever, but that had broken.  You know they call me when she falls and is okay which I really could car less about.  I know its to cover their ass if she bruises, but I would rather know when she is sick and especially has a fever.  I don't want the school calling me to tell me Eric fell down on the playground and is okay, but I damn well want to know if he's sick.  Anyway I can feel my body fighting off the virus since then.  So we'll see if my immune system still has its stuff.

Well I got back in the game this morning with some term life insurance just in case anything happens to me Eric will have money to cover him.  My agent asked me who would be my secondary and I was like ????  I didn't have anyone.  However after some thought I said my niece.  She's the youngest in the family and if Eric and I bite it rather her have it than my ex.


Anonymous said...

That was nice of you to put your niece. that is a losses on your ex's part.
I hope your mom gets well soon.

Anonymous said...

I find myself telling MY mom to cover her mouth, too! It`s like they`re little kids all over again. Sigh ~~~

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they should let you know about her health changes at all times. It drives me nuts when someone is sick and they dont cover their mouth....Oh, I have developed this weird tweaked thing....I have to wash my hands when I get home after handling the shopping true....I dont even want to know what grows on those

HOpe your feeling better soon...~Raven