Friday, January 5, 2007

Boy I Feel Drained

Today didn’t differ much from a normal day except an addition of a business meeting, but boy I feel like I ran a marathon.

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I really can’t wait for the resolution people to leave the gym.  Boy was the parking lot packed as was the fitness room.  The weight room was normal, but I was hoping to run on the treadmill today to keep up my endurance.  LOL.  That wasn’t happening unless I wanted to camp out there.


My financial meeting went well.  We had lunch over at this really nice biker bar that just opened up.  They had the lightest fried catfish I have ever eaten.  Larry had a great way of putting everything.  If you don’t love anyone just ignore this whole conversation.  Some of the gems I picked up were the need for a will and that would be for Eric.  Anything I wanted him to have or wanted for him if I was not able to give it.  Something in writing with my ex that if she dies that custody would go to me.  With nothing in writing I could be fighting her family for Eric.  Like I know with law, if it isn’t written it doesn’t exist.  That was the free stuff.  The rest cost money and since I don’t have any it wasn’t a problem, although he had a very good point with life insurance with kids.  Used two ways; one would be the money would be his at 18 the other would be if he died the money could be used to help with grieving time which I had to agree would be immense.


Knocked another few nurses out today with contacting them to send information for parents on backpack safety.  I have no idea what will happen on their end, but that’s out of my hands.


I got to visit Mom today during sing-a-long.  It’s a lot of fun when Lea plays the piano during it.  She must have been a piano teacher previously.  She just has that way about her.  It’s funny she does forget a lot, but she still can play some good tunes on the piano.


I had to ask my Medicare patients for their deductible today.  My first time, usually they pay someone else before me.  It was rough since I know they are tight on money, but hey it’s not my responsibility and I need the money. 


The one thing I noticed about myself today is that I don’t like when my heart beat speeds up.  I think I equate it with being anxious.  So even if I’m working out, it makes me uncomfortable and it’s a little workout not to become anxious.


It’s funny one of my old patients.  Never could make an appointment, was always late, and was last minute Charlie on getting an appointment.  Well he moved out of the area about 6 months ago.  Anyway he calls me tonight and we talk a little while.  So he tells me he’s going to see another chiropractor and could I fax over my stuff to the new person.  I’m like sure I’ll do it Monday.  He’s like well I have the appointment in 20 minutes.  Last minute Charlie strikes again.  Plus I think he forgets that he is now on Pacific Time and I’m eastern.  I’m at Starbucks and relaxing.  I’m not dragging my ass back to the office for something he could have done sooner.  LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MIke, my heart does that at times too...its stress...and often its an ongoing stress that triggers it....I wouldnt know about the laws in your state but in ORegon, its an automatic that custody goes to the parent....any fighting for custody would be after the fact....meaning, you have him....but its sad....that you feel you would need to do that....inlaws are full of drama..~Raven