Tuesday, January 30, 2007

No Es Bueno!

Mal my female roommate was home yesterday morning and her alarm awoke me up early.  She's kind of like my ex in that she sets the alarm an hour before the time she needs to get up.  Oye.  Anyway she must have forgot to turn it off since it went off again at 7 am.  My landlord turned it off since it awoke him too.  The second alarm went off 20 minutes later. Tired I didn't see her weights on the floor and smashed my toe into it.  OMG does it hurt to walk in my sneakers.  It's not broken, but it is a nice shade of black.  Valet is going to be rough tonight.  However maybe I'll get some sympathy from Ms. Hallmark when I walk in there today, that is if she is there.  If not then it's going to have to wait till the weekend.

Oh yeah I have to give a shout out to Dee for her interpretation of Ms. Hallmark wasn't there - the Playboy wasn't behing the counter.  LMAO.  That had me rolling for quite awhile.

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