Monday, November 13, 2006

Another Big Step

Well just made the call to the admissions person where my Mom is.  I had to inform her that my Mom's place is not selling so that January will be the last month she can pay full rent.  So that in February she will be moved over to the nursing home side.  I'm in some pain now.  I have sort of been pushing it off for the last week.  I guess it stems from some sort of feeling less than and being responsible for stuff that is way out of my control.  What's funny I was just explaining it to my patient who is starting this whole process.  That this isn't my hand that I am playing.  I'm just sitting in the last round for my Mom and it sucks. But I am handling it.  I know my older brother isn't.  I still haven't heard anything back about Mom's final wishes.  I don't see the reason for a service since it will just be us.  I don't see Mom's friends coming here for the funeral.  It will take 7 days to get the ashes back.  So Mom wanted to be spread out down by the beach.  So I find a nice Neil Diamond song for her and will have a little ceremony amongst ourself and dump the ashes.  Works for me.


Anonymous said...

What works for your mom?  And, well, the biggest bit about a final service, etc., is taken care of, the details of Neil Diamond or a service, it'll work out when it's needed:)   I'm sorry your mother is likely to have to move, and not stay in the spot where she is.  I take it medicare / medicaid whichever will pay for the nursing home part, but not where she is now?   This is part of the process I haven't been able to figure out yet, how the heck to pay so blasted much money, from people who can't work and have little coming in.   Guess I will be.  Thanks for your analogy, dealing with HER last hand, cuz it really is in many ways out of our control, we can only do the best we can with what we're given for them:)
-- Robin  

Anonymous said...


I read your journal most days. Throughout the time I have read your entries; I see a man who is just plain good. It's rare to find someone who still holds true ,what is right and just. Kudos' my cyber friend


Anonymous said...

This is one thing that definitely sucks about growing up. I hate to even think of the day I will have to make these decisions : (

~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

Mike, I've been through this with my Father, Mother In Law, and Father In Law. It is a very emotional experience. I still get upset when I think about what these People in my life went through at the end. I wish you good luck and hope that you are able to deal with this easily. Regards, Bill.