Thursday, November 9, 2006

Radio & Thursday Happenings

Hey I love hearing my name on the radio.  Request are fun, but to be told you rock is awesome.  Alex one of the DJ's at the radio station I listen to asked for a name for her request hour.  So I sent in my Blue Plate Request since it is part of her Alex's Restaurant.  They email I got from her was funnier.  She is on my email list for the office so she asks many questions.  So its fun to communicate with a celebrity. 

I'm putting a recommendation to make all parties $10 to valet.  Since $6 has to go to the club we at least get a $4 tip per car.  I'm getting really tired of the $1 tip especially from the BMWs and Lexuses.  Either that or I say we strike in January when it is really cold and let them walk in the cold.  Yes this is a sore spot with me.

Yeah, my tires have grooves back in them.  I got new front tires.  My old ones were still tires in the sense that they were round and were made of rubber, but the treads were pretty much gone. So I figured for my trip to NY next week I would splurge on new tires.

I did that Real Age survey.  I was doing really well until they got to the stress area.  Moving, divorce, financial problems really knocked years off my life.  Anyway I was 2 years younger that my calendar age.  Some of their recommendation were bizarre.  I need to eat more fat since I keep my cholesterol low.  An aspirin a day.  Are you nuts!  It increases the chances of brain hemorrhage way more than it prevents anything.  I need to drive slower and get a dog was also on my list.  Don't see any of that changing soon.

God I am tired.  The holiday season is on us. So the nights are later and by the time I get home there is no time to do anything, but get directly to bed to get enough rest.  My muscles are already starting to ache.  Some of my long time readers will remember my aching a lot last Christmas season at this job.  Must be getting older since I am not looking forward to it this year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

$1.00 tip???  Some people just suck and have no clue!!
