Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hanging on a Wednesday Afternoon

Well just hanging at the moment.  Waiting to go on my weekly house calls.  Little irritated with myself in that I went to the Dollar store to pick up a frame for a picture of my brother and niece for the office.  I get back to the office with new decoration, some stuff for Eric for Christmas, and no frame.  Oh boy.

It's suppose to be raining tomorrow. I'm hoping not to hard to take my Mom out for her birthday.  This weekend I will see how she does without seeing me for a few days.  I know she doesn't remember me coming each day, but my brother and I remind her that if she is going to bed at some point during the day she saw me. 

Well the local SPCA finally ran my announcement.  Hopefully it will draw up some business.  Half the month is gone already, but it's better than nothing. 

Okay I want to know what is up with Hallmark.  While I sit in Starbucks drinking my chai latte and writing I see a bevy of beautiful women go in and out of the Hallmark next door.  It's not a normal Hallmark, but a Hallmark Mall.  It's huge.  I've looked in through the window and I can't see what the draw is.  I've seen better, but a large number of women pull up just to go to this store then leave.  What's up with that?  Maybe there selling drugs or exquisite chocolate?


Anonymous said...

I'd take the chocolate !

Anonymous said...

Probably drugs.

Anonymous said...

Some stores do scent their store with chocolate:)  That's not what Hallmark uses, but whatever they DO use, I'm allergic to, so, alas, I can no longer visit them for very long.   Perhaps those thinking they'll get their Christmas/Chanukkah cards done over Thanksgiving.  LOL.  I know better.   For me to go to a store with one item in mind, and walk out WITH the item, is a good day:)  Don't be so hard on yourself over that one.  -- Robin

Anonymous said...

Hallmark just had their Holiday Invitatioal thing. Libby gets invited. It is a day where you get gifts for shopping with them all year and also by spending a certain amout of money. I don't get involved. It's a woman thing I think. Not my idea of fun. Regards, Bill.