Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Just Like Kids

The deal I have with my Mom is that she has to walk in her unit, but outside I will push her in the wheelchair.  So today as soon as we got down the hall she had to go to the bathroom.  So I pushed her back inside and straight to her room since it would take her at least 5 minutes to walk back across the unit.  I told he that was the only reason I was pushing her in here.

Well after are little outing I push her back inside.  I bring her walker out and tell her okay she needs to walk.  She's like, "I have to go to the bathroom."  I responded, "Well you better hurry up and start walking then."  LOL.  Jeez worse than a 5 year old.  She didn't have to go and grumbled about walking all the way to baking class. 

You really need to keep old people occupied or they really focus on all the little petty stuff.  Why are they sitting there?  Where's mine?  Etc.  Oye!


Anonymous said...

Boy, are you right there. They sit and do nothing but, worry about stuff that can't be changed. My Mom does that a lot. Regards, Bill.

Anonymous said...

I jsut started reading your journal, but yuou aure seem to be a loving father and SON!  That's what it's all about.  :)
http://journals.aol.com/mrsm711/LatteDah/     Tracy

Anonymous said...

Mike, you really are one in a million, aren't you! Great son to your Mom and incredible dad to Eric. Hope you realize this on your birthday this Sunday, the 26th. And please....no "sponge" cake on that day...if ya know what I mean! with lotsa love, angel.