Wednesday, November 22, 2006

God I Hate Bars

I made sure to get to the networking event about 15 minutes early.  Still I was the first person there besides the executive council of the group.  Oh well.  I knew half of them by face and I said hi to my old patient that stiffed me money.  It worked well since we were sitting next to each other.  I tell you the older I get the more I hate crowds.  My brain can't process all the noise and people.  Although it helps to reach the right attitude with sales people.  The guy I was sitting next too was trying to sell me space in the Filipino phone book which is for the whole country.  The local one doesn't work for me so you better have spiked my soda with LSD to get me to buy this. 

It was a small turn out until I would say the last 15 minutes when people kind of poured in.  We were watching the door wondering if every Filipino walking through the door was coming to the event of just going to the bar.  I found out we are #6 for the largest concentration of Filipinos in the US.  My Mom didn't pass me down any heritage so most of what is important to the group is pretty meaningless to me.  Oh well free wings. 

One thing that threw me was a woman or two looking at me from across the bar.  Probably in any other setting it would be nice, but with all the people and noise.  It's the straw that breaks the camels back.  Say good night Gracie cause I'm out of here.

The good thing is that the society seems more organized than it has been in the last 3 years.  So I will try to attend more of the meetings and these gatherings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I went to a couple of these networking get togethers for my Boss when I was with the Accounting Firm. I never thought they actually did any good. Most of the folks were there to either sell you something or get the free food and drinks. Oh well, That is why I am not a Corperate Giant. Regards, Bill.