Thursday, November 30, 2006


I was reading in the paper this morning that we have a local free clinic for people that don't have insurance.  I know that is a lot around here.  The working uninsured.  They were looking for volunteers and I was thinking about it.  It would be a nice karma type thing.  After I ran it past a few friends I realized even though it would be a nice thing it is my usual MO.  The office needs my attention and its painful to do at times.  So it's a lot easier to focus on other things.  Even things that could be healthy, but with the wrong motivation means it's unhealthy for me.

Eric called me last night.  Wait it was Wednesday a normal night.  Jeez I thought it was an extra night.  Boy I have no clue what day it is this week.  Anyway he just wanted to know some of my stories on being bullied.  He was okay.  I did get to point out to him that many of my bully stories are from my friends.  So I was able to point out how I picked poor friends as a child.  Did so in adulthood, but I skipped on that.  Anyway he got 4 army men from Speech class. He got 12 checks and then you start over.  So he was very happy and I was also proud of him.

Dragging my feet with my Mom's stuff to transfer her to the nursing home side in the coming months.  Having a hard time dealing with it so I am avoiding it.

Anyway trying to enjoy the weather the next two days since it will be in the 70's before the temperatures drop off again over the weekend.


Anonymous said...

Oh, my, yes, even well-intentioned stuff that comes up and distracts, it's so much nicer to focus on that than what is NEEDED sometimes.   BTDT living it often.   I do know of a vet and a GP who volunteer (at different clinics lol) once a month each, so perhaps sometime in your future, you could consider that.   Until now, yeah, your mom, your office, your son who you don't shirk but the others are easy to.  -- Robin  

Anonymous said...

Would your professional insurance cover you if you did adjustments at the Free Clinic or would you have to have a special policy? Giving away your specialies when you are in a medical field I would think could put you in jeopardy? Although, it is a very nice thing to do for folks who need care and don't have the insurance or money. Regards, Bill.