Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Man on Fire

I am use to the good feelings of taking care of myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  However over the last 2 days I have been taking care of myself business wise with my marketing.  Trying to restart old clients, the new acupuncture in the office, and the usual beginning of the month marketing.   So I really feel alive today which is a great feeling.

The lady I valeted at night got my tip out of the ATM before getting her car.  A nice crisp dollar bill.  I was soooo happy.  LOL.

Well my landlord if off again on a trip which is unusual, but hey the place to myself again for a few days.  Cool.  Although with back to back Hoochie Momma Parties Friday and Saturday I might end up sleeping most of the time away.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are surrounded by a bunch of characters, aren't you Mike??  Hope you get some sleep!
