Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Hoochie Momma Defined

Hoochie Momma - older black term for a whore. 

We use it for the Coalition of Young Black Professionals parties.  With a name like that you would expect to see people coming in business attire ready for a cocktail party or such.  But atlas no.  The women are scantily clad and the guys aren't too bad.  Usually a sweater and jeans, but they are the ones usually with the guns and drugs in the car. 


Anonymous said...

Wow....I just assumed they meant a woman's party...maybe with strippers. Seems a bit racist to me...but to each their own...


Anonymous said...

LOL>...its a fashion statement to be hoochie cant relate...when I dress causes too many problems...I just dont need the high fives...-Raven