Thursday, April 6, 2006


Okay I am a direct guy.  I'm kind of like I bowl.  There are no curve or trick shots.  I just wail the ball straight down the lane.  I do it because that is how I like to be treated direct.  However in the world of dating I see that I am a rare creature.  So I have a question for you women out there.  I asked a woman out a few weeks ago for coffee.  She was busy that weekend and stated she wished it was the week earlier.  Since then I knew she had a big work project since we had talked about it before hand.  She just finished the project.  She asked what I was doing this weekend.  I told her I was busy Sat, but free Sun.  She told me she was working the whole weekend, but hopefully she would get down to the beach for a while Sun.  She told me she just wanted to see what I was up to. 

Okay maybe it's me or a guy thing.  If your free say you are free.  If you hinting at me asking you out again.  The hints need to be a LOT bigger.  Any insight ladies?


Anonymous said...

Hello Mike........Being that I am a 29-year-old woman who is still quite single I would like to give a little insight. If a guy such as yourself would ask a woman such as myself out on a date I just say yes and ask him what time. Being that I haven't started the dating process I think it would be rather nice to be asked out by a nice guy such as yourself. I wouldn't say things like I'm busy. When I'm free I mean that I'm free to go out. If I had to work I would apologize and ask the guy if we could reschedule for a different day. I don't believe in playing games when it comes to dating. I think she should have been clear and not tried to hint to something that she was meaning to say. She wasn't clear about if she was interested. I think that you are a really great guy and perhaps you should find someone that would be interested in going out with a great guy like yourself. Its her loss Mike............Take care

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike & Happy Friday!!
I say if you like her and want to spend some time with her ask her again. If she says no again than I would drop it and not ask anymore. I am with you...some people enjoy playing these stupid head games. Life is too short to play games when it comes to matters of the heart .GOOD LUCK!
Like someone else said it is her loss not yours if she says no. You are an awesome guy...and very adorable! ( why else would I be stalking you!!!).
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I would try again to ask her out. If she continues to go yep maybe, a little might meet you at the beach. Just move on. If she is interested she will say yes.

Anonymous said...

She's a game player...definitely forget about her.

Anonymous said...

Say hey.... I would like to go out with you one time, whenever you are free, let me know and we can go out and chill! Let her come to you with the available date since she is so busy. God knows, if it is meant to be, it will be, if not, than move on. Don't waste your time with someone who has no time for you Mike! Dating? Damn.. i don't even know what that is like, been married ofr almost 13 years.. oh wait.. 12.. damn, been solong I cannot remember anymore, LOL. Feels like a million years to me.
There is that someone out there for you, it just takes awhile to find that special one and don't rush it!


Anonymous said...

Mike...Just follow your heart, my friend!  Good Luck trying to figure this out!
Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Maybe when you said you were busy Saturday...she assumed you might be seeing someone else???  Hell...I don't was a mystery to me...


Anonymous said...

I would ask her out one more time. Maybe she just could not  get it together. Its worth one more shot. If she dont act intrested then keep moving on. Lots of fish in the see and you seem like a great guy. Good luck.     Sunshine girl

Anonymous said...

Women are weird creatures, Mike.  We never say what we mean, you should know that by now.  Women always want you to be direct, even if they aren't!  You need to just ask her out again, plain and simple.  Then wait for her answer.  If she gives you an excuse again... then put the ball in her court!  Say, "Okay.. well...sounds like you're pretty busy most of the time, so, heres my number... you call me if you think you might like to go out sometime."  OR something like that.  I figure 2 strikes she's out.. and put the third one on her shoulders!  That way YOU don't look desperate, and if she really wants to go out with you..she'll call.  Trust me!



Anonymous said...

Could be miscommunication, misunderstanding.   She is working for a living. Call her and leave a message that you will be at the beach on Sunday and if she cares to join you, you will be there from such and such a time. Pack some drinks and a good book. If she shows up thats a good thing and if she does not show, you still had a relaxing day at the beach with a good book. Never know you might meet someone else on the beach. Maybe she doesn't see a good thing in front of her. I know, it happened to me. If my husband was not persistent in the beginning and always, he wouldn't be in my life.

Anonymous said...

I think she wants to see you on
Everyone`s been screwed over so many times they don`t know what to say or what guy to believe any more!

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you got a lot of great advice.  I agree 3 strikes you're out.  
Good luck!  :)

Anonymous said...

She's obviously interested I just think she chickened out. Don't cross this one off the list yet, but asking her again and getting nowhere, then she gets deleted lol
Good luck!!!!
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

AMEN! I knew this guy a while back & man he was the most indirect guy I ever met in my whole life. I'm still figuring things out. Just say what you feel is my motto. And let the other person say what they want & feel. It should not be that much work to figure out things.