Tuesday, February 21, 2006


There is an old joke about a man who stands on a street corner and ask every passerby for fifty dollars.  When an observer makes fun of him for standing around all day and making a fool of himself, the man says, "I may look ridiculous, but I'll bet I get more more fifty dollar bills than you do."

I use to be an emotional chicken.  Skate around the tough issues.  Never asked for stuff so that lowered my disappointment.  My rationale was that I had grown up with not much and I was use to it.  Then one day I realized that back then I didn't have a choice, but now as an adult I do.  I am the only one limiting myself to the life around me.  I may not get the things I want when I express myself, but I will get it more times than if I never say anything.


Anonymous said...

I had this same epiphany a couple of years ago...coming from similar circumstance.  Life is very different now...I let myself have stuff. ;)  C.  http://journals.aol.com/gdireneoe/thedailies

Anonymous said...

my philosophy is "it never hurts to ask"


Anonymous said...

The worse you can get is a "no" I always say.  I have gotten sooo many 10%'s off of items and so many little extra's and deals.  I have gotten sooo much more than if I would have just stayed in my box and not asked for the possibility of anything a little different, or more.  Never being intimidating or stepping on anyone's toes.  Afterall, the worse I could have gotten was a no.  I have instilled that in my kids too, they "get it".      Loris

Anonymous said...

you are your own person and can do what you want.  You can make your life what you want of it.

Anonymous said...

Even when I ask I feel like no one's listening, I must not be yelling loud enough LOL Really though.. no one ever hears me.
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

If you don't say what you want no one will know!!! lol.... Gotta voice it!! http://journals.aol.com/shayshaydc/Golfaholic