Monday, February 27, 2006


Boy am I glad I got a lot of the big stuffed moved already because I am tired from the trip.  I'll be at job #2 tonight and tomorrow so time is at a premium.  Really only daily clothes are left and a few odds and ends.  Then just cleaning. 

I think a lot of past anxiety move stuff is coming to my head since I am anxious with it.   However everything seems to be going well.  I guess just worried about some unexpected thing coming up. 

I do have to say that I am using every inch of my storage unit and getting my monies worth.  Living in the office will be interesting, but I have to admit I am looking forward to it.  Stocked up on food this morning and everything looks like a go.


Anonymous said...

I hate to move!! Glad you got it almost behind you!!!!

Anonymous said...

well have a good move, How was the vist with the son, I hope it went great.

Anonymous said...

thank God for storage units; hope the move continues to go well


Anonymous said...

Green, green, green...I've talked to Mujibar too many times.  I know about flat stanley too as when my grandson came to stay over a weekend he came along.  I loved the pictures, you sound like a wonderful Dad. Janice

Anonymous said...

I bet your excited about the move too huh?
It's so good that you got it all done well almost
Have a good night hugs, Marina