Thursday, February 9, 2006

Where's My Bat

Ah sales people gotta hate them.  It's that time of year again for the phone book people to come harass me for a listing.  They always say if your not interested that is okay, but when I inform them of that they still don't leave.  They want to set up other appointments.  Crap like that.  At least I get to see some ideas on ads.  Never like any of them, but it always points out to me what not to have.  I think the no solicitors sign is coming real soon although a bat has a draw also.  I'll have to see.

Oh yeah.  Stay tuned tomorrow for a special announcement.


Anonymous said...

I can't be the only one carrying a bat around, just make sure when you swing you don't hit yourself. Yep, aha, I did that LOL
Special announcement?? You can't write that and then make us wait a day. Women like to know NOW!!
~ Jenny
ps. I'm really not armed with a bat. I swear I swear : )

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,
I think I like the baseball bat route, but thats just me.  Good luck, my friend!
Hugs, Linda