Sunday, June 25, 2006


Well I am still here in Florida.  I took a different airlines this time since I needed a ride to the airport.  Never again.  I'll pay to go the extra 30 minutes.  The flight was more expensive. I got the airport and it was a humungous line.  One plane was not going.  No one knew which one.  I didn't need the stress.  Anyway it wasn't mine.  While I am waiting for my flight they announce that they have too many passengers for the plane.  I thought this was what reservations where all about.  So there are bargaining with people to transfer to a later flight.  Again more stress.  Anyway both planes I was packed in like cattle.  Philadelphia airport is a monster to get around.  Next time I'm back to my Airtran.

Well in less than 24 hours I have packed the car and cleaned the house out.  So now I am just relaxing.  I will make it a 2 day trip back to VA.  I'm not killing myself to do it.  One thing I am always amazed at when I do this Mom stuff is where I get all my stuff from.  One of th<SPAN class=spell id=sp-5 title="Click here to replace with: ebbing, gibe" style="PADDING-RIGHT: 2px; BACKGROUND-POSITION: left bottom; PADDING-LEFT: 2px; BACKGROUND-IMAGE: url(; PADDING-BOTTOM: 2px; CURSOR: pointer; COLOR: black; PADDING-TOP: 2px; BACKGROUND-REPEAT: repeat-x; BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" _backupTitle="null"> pains was going through all my Mom's papers.  I do it to a lesser extent, but shit I don't want to deal with I put to the side for a later day.  Well my Mom being older has done it to a larger extent plus she is a pack rat. 

Well I am glad to have it done.  I will relax and have dinner with my Aunt & Uncle and then get a good night sleep to drive about 7-8 hours tomorrow.  Then I'll finish it up Tuesday morning since I don't have any patients till 3:30.

One thing I really need to get back is my new patient focus.  My numbers are dropping this week from my focus on my Mom.  The first week of July my son will be here then I need to slam it again to get going again.


Anonymous said...

Trust haven't seen packrat....when my mom and dad moved...they left almost was unable to walk...and dad isn't real bright about some things...anyway....I had to clean out...the best I could...a 5 bedroom house w/a packed walk-in attic, barn, and storage shed. Every room was stuffed full of crap. My sister did help alot...but towards the end it was just me and my kids. Anyway...have a safe drive!


Anonymous said...

happy you made it there and cleaned out your mom's stuff. I'm sure it's a pain all right.

Anonymous said...

good luck with everything Mike; sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now.

Anonymous said...

Twenty-four hours to pack the car and clean out the house? You are amazing, Mike! Have a safe trip home. We'll be thinking about ya. ---angel

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have been busy, busy, busy!!!!