Tuesday, June 6, 2006

The Letter

I don't know why I am printing this here, but my gut says to so I am.  I guess it is a different way of dealing with my ex so sharing it bleeds off some of the energy.

Dear Laura,


You missed my point entirely.  I know you do not want to deal with me, but we have a son together and as long as he is alive that will be the way it is.  Avoiding me on all these points just waste time. 


Eric is a child and it is not his responsibility to inform me of his upbringing.  This has nothing to do with his being baptized.  If he wants to I am happy for him.  My point is that if this kind of stuff is brought up to one of us and most of this stuff will be brought up to you first since you have physical custody.  Just as if we were together we would have told him we would talk about it between us before we gave him a decision.  This is something we have always agreed on even when we were together and agreed to it in court.  Whether together or separated we need to be a united front in Eric’s upbringing.  I feel in your avoidance to interact with me you are passing it onto Eric.  This is what I find inappropriate.




Anonymous said...

I think it's a good, honest, sincere letter. I hope she sees your point.
Gem :-)

Anonymous said...

Think about those last two sentences.. "I feel in your avoidance to interact with me, you are passing it onto Eric. " "This is what I find inappropriate."

At this point she would welcome inappropriate. Not care what you Feel or Think.

Laura, our avoidance to interact will only hurt Eric. We need to unite as his parents and communicate with each other for his sake.

Laura, we need to interact and communicate with each other. Keep the communicate lines open between us to be the best parents for Eric.

I read the "I feel" and "I find" not good. If I received your letter making those statements I would be pissed-off to say the least and do the opposite of What You want to change.

To many You's.......sounds like pointing fingers.....I feel, I find.....Your telling her ...this is a We, Us and Our.....situation.

Or leave those two last sentences out.


Anonymous said...

Let it all out here.  I don't comment often, but I'm an avid reader of yours.  I applaude your effort to stay in his life as best you can.  I know it must be tough.  *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

It's a shame she isn't willing to truly communicate with you, although don't know all the reasons why you two spilt, but hopefully your son doesn't learn this from her.
~ Jenny

Anonymous said...

well the letter is fine, but honestly Mike she won't listen. It's worth a try.