Thursday, June 15, 2006

Slow Night

Wow it is weird to have a slow night of doing just about nothing.  Well actually laundry, but the same thing.  The office was slow today so I was out and about today.  I took my Mom to her appointment and also got her phone and cable installed.  I'll see if it is even worth it after a month.  She's really is never in the room.  The keep her busy with exercise classes, bingo, church, etc.  It's funny how everyone in the place knows her already.  She's happy and that is the main thing.

So I went and saw the movie Cars today.  Always feel a little weird when I do it since I am the only adult with no kids in the theater, but I love the stuff and it was a really good movie. 

I think the movie of the night will be Magnum Force to relax with.

Oh yeah make sure your kids don't take a mouthful of diet coke and Mentos at the same time.  I didn't get to hear on the radio if that did anything like blow their head off. 


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just dropping by to say "HELL-O"!

Anonymous said...

lol, that reminds me of the candy kids used to eat that popped and crackled in your mouth. Weird stuff! Enjoy a relaxing evening.  :)

Anonymous said...

well happy that your mom is adjusting well. It's nice to have a slow night once in a while. Glad you went to the movies anyway and liked it.

Anonymous said...

A relaxing night is far and few between!!! Glad you had some "You" time!!!